Shared Quantitymenunew


The QuantityMenuNEW class is a user interface component that allows users to select a quantity value through both a slider and text input.

It extends the BSUIComponent from the Shared package, which suggests a foundation for UI components in a larger system, possibly a game.


  • A header with auto-sized text displaying the title.
  • A slider to adjust the quantity value.
  • A count displayed as text that reflects the current value.
  • The ability to handle and dispatch a quantity changed event.
  • Custom bracket graphics to visually enhance the header.


Name Value
QUANTITY_CHANGED “QuantityChanged”

Public Properties

  • Header_tf (TextField): The text field for the header.
  • TopBracketHolder_mc (MovieClip): MovieClip holder for top bracket graphics.
  • Count_tf (TextField): The text field showing the current count.
  • Slider_mc (BSSlider): The slider component for adjusting quantity.
  • Background_mc (MovieClip): The background movie clip.

Private Properties

  • _CurrCount (uint): The current selected count.
  • _MaxCount (uint): The maximum value that the count can reach.


The constructor takes a single parameter param1 which sets the maximum count:

public function QuantityMenuNEW(param1:uint)

Public Methods

  • get count(): Returns the current count as a uint.
  • set count(param1:uint): Sets the current count to the provided uint value.
  • redrawUIComponent(): Redraws the UI components based on their properties.
  • onSliderValueChanged(param1:CustomEvent): Event handler for when the slider value changes.
  • ProcessUserEvent(param1:String, param2:Boolean): Processes a user event.

Usage Example

var quantityMenu:QuantityMenuNEW = new QuantityMenuNEW(100);

UI Component Lifecycle

  1. Initialization: The constructor initializes the component and sets up the slider with the maximum value and step sizes.
  2. UI Redraw: The redrawUIComponent method is responsible for updating the UI graphics and positioning.
  3. Event Handling: The onSliderValueChanged method listens for changes in the slider and updates the count accordingly.
  4. User Interaction: The ProcessUserEvent method allows the component to handle user input events.

Event Listeners

The QuantityMenuNEW class listens for the BSSlider.VALUE_CHANGED event to handle changes in the slider value.

🚀 Sample Event Dispatch

When the count is changed, an event with QUANTITY_CHANGED is dispatched:

dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(QUANTITY_CHANGED, _loc2_, true));

Graphics Creation

The class creates custom bracket graphics around the header to visually indicate the boundaries of the header text.

Developer Notes 📝

  • The TextFieldEx.setTextAutoSize is used to enable text auto-sizing for the header and count text fields.
  • GlobalFunc.SetText function is called to update the count text field’s value.
  • Extensions and other custom functionalities not native to ActionScript are used, implying this code is part of a larger framework or system with extended capabilities.

Important: The code provided is part of a larger system and may depend on external functions and libraries such as GlobalFunc, CustomEvent, and Extensions. Ensure all dependencies are included when using this class.