Components Itemcard_comparison


The ItemCard_Comparison class is a dynamic extension of the MovieClip class from the flash.display package. This class is designed to represent an item card within a Flash application that likely stops its timeline at the first frame to display static content.

Class Definition

Package: Components Inherits: flash.display.MovieClip Modifiers: dynamic


The class has a single constructor which calls the super constructor of its parent MovieClip class and then adds a frame script to the first frame using the addFrameScript method.

public function ItemCard_Comparison() {
    addFrameScript(0, this.frame1);



The frame1 method is a frame script that is meant to be executed when the playhead of the MovieClip timeline reaches the first frame.

function frame1() : * {

This method calls the stop function to prevent the MovieClip from playing past the first frame, which is a common practice in Flash when you want to display a static item card or interface element.

📄 File Content Summary

Aspect Details
Class Name ItemCard_Comparison
Package Components
Inheritance Extends MovieClip
Functionality Designed to display a static item card by stopping at frame one.

Example Usage

To use the ItemCard_Comparison class in a Flash application, one would typically create an instance of the class and add it to the display list:

var itemCard:ItemCard_Comparison = new ItemCard_Comparison();

Note: Since Flash has been deprecated, this code is mostly for legacy applications or for those maintaining existing Flash content.