Shared As3 Bsbracketclip


BSBracketClip is an ActionScript 3.0 class extending MovieClip to provide functionality for drawing bracket shapes around UI components in different styles.



Class Structure

Access Type Member Type Member Name Data Type Description
public static BR_HORIZONTAL String Defines a horizontal bracket style.
public static BR_VERTICAL String Defines a vertical bracket style.
public static BR_CORNERS String Defines a corner bracket style.
public static BR_FULL String Defines a full bracket style, enclosing all four sides.
private variable _drawPos Point Stores the current position for drawing operations.
private variable _clipRect Rectangle The bounds of the UI component to draw brackets around.
private variable _lineThickness Number The thickness of the brackets’ lines.
private variable _cornerLength Number The length of the brackets’ corners.
private variable _padding Point Padding around the UI component for the brackets.
private variable _style String The style of bracket to draw.
public method BSBracketClip Constructor Constructor for the class. Initializes the MovieClip.
public method BracketPair * Placeholder method to create bracket pairs.
public method ClearBrackets * Clears the current brackets drawn on the graphics canvas.
public method redrawUIComponent * Main method to redraw brackets around a UI component.

Methods Detail


public function BSBracketClip() {


public function ClearBrackets() : * {


public function redrawUIComponent(aDrawClip:BSUIComponent, aLineThickness:Number, aCornerLength:Number, aPadding:Point, aStyle:String) : * {
    // Implementation details...

Usage Example

Below is an example of how to use the BSBracketClip class to draw brackets:

import Shared.AS3.BSBracketClip;
import flash.geom.Point;

// Initialize the BSBracketClip
var bracketClip:BSBracketClip = new BSBracketClip();

// Define UI component for bracket, line thickness, corner length, padding, and style
var uiComponent:BSUIComponent = new BSUIComponent(); // Your UI component
var lineThickness:Number = 2;
var cornerLength:Number = 15;
var padding:Point = new Point(5, 5);
var style:String = BSBracketClip.BR_HORIZONTAL;

// Redraw brackets around the UI component
bracketClip.redrawUIComponent(uiComponent, lineThickness, cornerLength, padding, style);

🔵 Note:

  • The BSBracketClip class is part of the Shared.AS3 package.
  • It requires an instance of a BSUIComponent for bracket drawing.
  • The redrawUIComponent method allows specifying the bracket style and dimensions.
  • The BracketPair method appears to be a placeholder and is undefined in the provided code.

This documentation covers the main features and usage of the BSBracketClip class. For detailed implementation and further methods, please refer to the source code.