Shared As3 Bsscrollinglist


The BSScrollingList class is an ActionScript 3 class that manages a scrolling list component in a Flash-based user interface. It extends the MovieClip class and provides functionality for item selection, scrolling, and event handling.

This class is part of the Shared.AS3 package and is typically used for game interfaces that require scrollable lists.

Below is the documentation for with details on its properties, methods, and usage.


Property Type Description
scrollList MobileScrollList The mobile scrolling list used when CompanionApp mode is on.
border MovieClip A clip that defines the extents of the border around the scrolling list.
ScrollUp MovieClip A clip for the scroll-up button.
ScrollDown MovieClip A clip for the scroll-down button.
EntriesA Array An array containing the list entries.
EntryHolder_mc MovieClip A movie clip that holds all the list entry clips.
iSelectedIndex int The index of the currently selected item.
iSelectedClipIndex int The clip index of the currently selected item.
bRestoreListIndex Boolean Whether to restore the list index upon updating data.
ListEntryClass Class The class used for creating new list entry instances.
strTextOption String The option for text formatting within list entries.
bDisableSelection Boolean Whether item selection within the list is disabled.
bAllowWheelScrollNoSelectionChange Boolean Allows mouse wheel scrolling without changing the current selection.
bDisableInput Boolean If true, input to the list is disabled.
bMouseDrivenNav Boolean Whether navigation through the list is driven by the mouse.
_filterer ListFilterer An object that filters the list entries based on a set of criteria.
bReverseList Boolean Whether to reverse the order of the list.
bInitialized Boolean Indicates if the list has been initialized.
bUpdated Boolean Indicates if the list has been updated.


public function BSScrollingList()

Constructor for the BSScrollingList class, which sets up default values, event listeners, and initializes necessary components.

public function ClearList(): *

Clears all entries from the list.

public function InvalidateData(): *

Invalidates the list data, triggering a refresh based on the current entries and filter settings.

public function UpdateList(): *

Updates the visual representation of the list, including the visibility and positioning of entries.

public function moveSelectionUp(): *

Moves the current selection up in the list.

public function moveSelectionDown(): *

Moves the current selection down in the list.


  • SELECTION_CHANGE: Dispatched when the selected item in the list changes.
  • ITEM_PRESS: Dispatched when an item in the list is pressed.
  • LIST_PRESS: Dispatched when a list (but not a specific item) is pressed.
  • LIST_ITEMS_CREATED: Dispatched when the list items are created.
  • PLAY_FOCUS_SOUND: Dispatched when a focus sound should be played.


To use the BSScrollingList, instantiate it and add it to the display list:

var myList:BSScrollingList = new BSScrollingList();

Set up the list with the required number of items, entry class, and ensure it is populated with data:

myList.ListEntryClass = MyCustomListEntryClass;
myList.entryList = myDataArray;

To react to selection changes, listen to the SELECTION_CHANGE event:

myList.addEventListener(BSScrollingList.SELECTION_CHANGE, onSelectionChange);

function onSelectionChange(event:Event): void {
    // Handle selection change


  • This class assumes a Flash environment with user interaction via mouse or keyboard.
  • It is tailored to work with Bethesda Softworks’ Companion App mode, which suggests it was used in games like Fallout 4 and Skyrim for their in-game Pip-Boy apps or similar interfaces.
  • Since this is a game UI component, it will likely involve graphical assets that align with the theme and style of the game interface.
  • The actual rendering and behavior of list items will depend on the implementation of the BSScrollingListEntry class or its subclasses.