Shared As3 Companionapp Companionappmode


This document provides details about the CompanionAppMode class found in the file.

This class is part of the Shared.AS3.COMPANIONAPP package.

The CompanionAppMode class is a simple class that contains a static boolean variable indicating whether the companion app mode is active (true) or not (false). This class does not contain any methods other than a constructor.

Class Definition

Below is the CompanionAppMode class definition:

package Shared.AS3.COMPANIONAPP {
    public class CompanionAppMode {
        public static var isOn:Boolean = false;

        public function CompanionAppMode() {

Class Members


Property Type Description Default Value
isOn Boolean Indicates if the companion app mode is active false


The CompanionAppMode class has a constructor which invokes the constructor of the superclass.

public function CompanionAppMode() {


The isOn property can be accessed statically to determine whether the companion app mode is currently enabled.


if (CompanionAppMode.isOn) {
    // Code to execute when companion app mode is active
} else {
    // Code to execute when companion app mode is not active

📝 Notes

  • The class does not provide any methods to change the isOn property directly; it is expected to be managed externally.
  • The class is specifically tailored for use within an ActionScript 3 project that interacts with a companion application.

Bold Text: Properties and methods of the class are highlighted in bold for quick identification.