Components Itemcard_ammoentry

ItemCard_AmmoEntry is an ActionScript file that defines a class extending the functionality of another class named ItemCard_Entry. This file is likely part of a larger application dealing with items or cards, possibly for a game or inventory system. Below is the detailed documentation for this class.

Class Definition

Package: Components


package Components {
    import flash.display.MovieClip;

    public dynamic class ItemCard_AmmoEntry extends ItemCard_Entry {
        public function ItemCard_AmmoEntry() {


The ItemCard_AmmoEntry class is a custom component that represents an ammunition card entry. It inherits from the ItemCard_Entry class and is part of the Components package. Being a dynamic class, it allows properties to be added to an instance at runtime.


The constructor for ItemCard_AmmoEntry calls the constructor of its parent class (ItemCard_Entry) to perform any necessary initialization.

public function ItemCard_AmmoEntry() {

Constructor Details:

  • Name: ItemCard_AmmoEntry
  • Purpose: Initializes a new instance of the ItemCard_AmmoEntry class.
  • Modifiers: public - The constructor is accessible from any class.
  • Parameters: None

Class Inheritance Table

Parent Class Child Class
ItemCard_Entry ItemCard_AmmoEntry


To use the ItemCard_AmmoEntry class, you would first need to import the Components package into your ActionScript project. After that, you can create an instance of the class:

var ammoEntry:ItemCard_AmmoEntry = new ItemCard_AmmoEntry();

You can then add this ammoEntry to your display list or manipulate it as needed, depending on the functionality provided by the ItemCard_Entry class and any additional properties or methods you have defined for ItemCard_AmmoEntry.

📌 Important Notes

  • Inheritance: ItemCard_AmmoEntry extends ItemCard_Entry. It is crucial to understand the parent class functionality to effectively use ItemCard_AmmoEntry.
  • Dynamics: This class is dynamic, which may lead to less strict typing and, if not handled correctly, could potentially cause runtime errors.
  • Use Case: Typically, such a class is used in user interfaces to display information related to ammunition within a game or application.

For any further details about the parent class ItemCard_Entry or other components of the application, refer to the respective documentation or source files.