Scaleform Clik Events Buttonbarevent

ButtonBarEvent is a custom ActionScript event class defined within the package. This class extends the native Flash Event class and is specifically designed for events related to button selections in a button bar control.

Table of Contents

Event Name

Event Constant Value Description
BUTTON_SELECT “buttonSelect” Dispatched when a button is selected.


Property Type Description
index int The index of the selected button (default -1).
renderer Button The Button instance that has been selected (default null).


The constructor initializes a new instance of the ButtonBarEvent class with optional parameters for customization.

public function ButtonBarEvent(
    param2:Boolean = false,
    param3:Boolean = true,
    param4:int = -1,
    param5:Button = null
    super(param1, param2, param3);
    this.index = param4;
    this.renderer = param5;


  • param1 (String): The type of event.
  • param2 (Boolean): Determines whether the event can bubble up the display list hierarchy (default false).
  • param3 (Boolean): Determines whether the event can be canceled (default true).
  • param4 (int): The index of the button (default -1).
  • param5 (Button): The Button instance that has been selected (default null).



Creates a copy of the ButtonBarEvent instance.

override public function clone(): Event
    return new ButtonBarEvent(type, bubbles, cancelable, this.index, this.renderer);


Returns a string representation of the ButtonBarEvent.

override public function toString(): String
    return formatToString("ButtonBarEvent", "type", "bubbles", "cancelable", "index", "renderer");

Usage Example

Here is an example of how the ButtonBarEvent might be dispatched within an ActionScript application:

// Create a new instance of ButtonBarEvent indicating a button selection.
var event:ButtonBarEvent = new ButtonBarEvent(ButtonBarEvent.BUTTON_SELECT, false, true, selectedIndex, selectedButton);

// Dispatch the event.

In this example, selectedIndex and selectedButton should be replaced with the actual index and Button instance that are relevant to the event occurrence.