Shared As3 Companionapp Mobilescrollmovieclip


The MobileScrollMovieClip class is part of the Shared.AS3.COMPANIONAPP package and provides functionality to add scroll behavior to MovieClip objects on mobile platforms.

Below is the detailed documentation of the class along with its methods and properties.

Class Definition

package Shared.AS3.COMPANIONAPP {
    import flash.display.MovieClip;
    import flash.geom.Point;
    import flash.geom.Rectangle;

    public class MobileScrollMovieClip {
        // ... class members and methods ...


The following table summarizes the private properties of the MobileScrollMovieClip class:

Property Type Description
_scrollMovieClip MovieClip MovieClip instance that will be scrolled.
_scrollMovieClipOrigPosY Number Original Y position of the MovieClip before scrolling starts.
_scrollZone Rectangle The scrolling zone boundaries.
_activated Boolean Indicates if scrolling has been activated.
_mouseDown Boolean Indicates if the mouse button is currently pressed down.
_velocity Number The speed at which the MovieClip is scrolling.
_prevMouseDownPoint Point The previous mouse down location.
EPSILON Number Used to determine when the velocity is close enough to zero to stop the animation.
VELOCITY_MOVE_FACTOR Number Factor applied to the velocity during mouse move.
VELOCITY_MOUSE_DOWN_FACTOR Number Factor applied to velocity when mouse is pressed down.
VELOCITY_MOUSE_UP_FACTOR Number Factor applied to velocity when mouse is released.
RESISTANCE_OUT_BOUNDS Number Resistance factor applied when scrolling beyond the scroll zone boundaries.
BOUNCE_FACTOR Number Factor that determines how much the MovieClip will bounce back when it goes out of bounds.



Initializes the class with the specified MovieClip and scrolling zone.

public function MobileScrollMovieClip(param1:MovieClip, param2:Rectangle)


  • param1:MovieClip: The MovieClip to be scrolled.
  • param2:Rectangle: The rectangular zone within which the MovieClip can be scrolled.


  • activate: Enables scrolling functionality.
    public function activate() : void
  • deactivate: Disables scrolling functionality.
    public function deactivate() : void
  • mouseDownHandler: Handles mouse down events.
    private function mouseDownHandler(param1:MouseEvent) : void
  • mouseUpHandler: Handles mouse up events.
    private function mouseUpHandler(param1:MouseEvent) : void
  • mouseMoveHandler: Handles mouse move events.
    private function mouseMoveHandler(param1:MouseEvent) : void
  • enterFrameHandler: Handles the enter frame events for the MovieClip’s animation.
    private function enterFrameHandler(param1:Event) : void

Usage Example

📁 Filename:

// Create a MovieClip instance and define a scrolling zone
var myScrollingMovieClip:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
var myScrollZone:Rectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, 480, 800);

// Initialize the MobileScrollMovieClip with the movie clip and zone
var mobileScroll:MobileScrollMovieClip = new MobileScrollMovieClip(myScrollingMovieClip, myScrollZone);

// Activate the scrolling behavior

// Deactivate when needed
// mobileScroll.deactivate();

Note: This class manages events and touch interaction to provide a scrolling experience for MovieClip instances on mobile devices. It includes resistance and bounce back effects when the scrollable content moves beyond the defined boundaries.