Scaleform Clik Constants Navigationcode


The NavigationCode class, part of the scaleform.clik.constants package, provides constants to represent various navigation commands that might be used in a user interface, particularly one that responds to keyboard and gamepad input.

Below is the documentation for the file.

Table of Constants

Here is a summary of the constants defined in the NavigationCode class:

Constant Value Description
UP "up" Represents the UP navigation command.
DOWN "down" Represents the DOWN navigation command.
LEFT "left" Represents the LEFT navigation command.
RIGHT "right" Represents the RIGHT navigation command.
START "start" Represents the START navigation command.
BACK "back" Represents the BACK navigation command.
GAMEPAD_A "enter-gamepad_A" Represents the GAMEPAD A button.
GAMEPAD_B "escape-gamepad_B" Represents the GAMEPAD B button.
GAMEPAD_X "gamepad_X" Represents the GAMEPAD X button.
GAMEPAD_Y "gamepad_Y" Represents the GAMEPAD Y button.
GAMEPAD_L1 "gamepad_L1" Represents the GAMEPAD L1 button.
GAMEPAD_L2 "gamepad_L2" Represents the GAMEPAD L2 button.
GAMEPAD_L3 "gamepad_L3" Represents the GAMEPAD L3 button.
GAMEPAD_R1 "gamepad_R1" Represents the GAMEPAD R1 button.
GAMEPAD_R2 "gamepad_R2" Represents the GAMEPAD R2 button.
GAMEPAD_R3 "gamepad_R3" Represents the GAMEPAD R3 button.
GAMEPAD_START "start" Represents the GAMEPAD START button.
GAMEPAD_BACK "back" Represents the GAMEPAD BACK button.
ENTER "enter-gamepad_A" Represents the ENTER navigation command.
ESCAPE "escape-gamepad_B" Represents the ESCAPE navigation command.
END "end" Represents the END navigation command.
HOME "home" Represents the HOME navigation command.
PAGE_DOWN "pageDown" Represents the PAGE DOWN command.
PAGE_UP "pageUp" Represents the PAGE UP command.
TAB "tab" Represents the TAB navigation command.
SHIFT_TAB "shifttab" Represents the SHIFT+TAB command.


The constants in the NavigationCode class can be accessed statically, which means there is no need to create an instance of the class. Below are some examples of how these constants might be used:

import scaleform.clik.constants.NavigationCode;

function handleInput(input:String):void {
    switch (input) {
        case NavigationCode.UP:
            // Code to move up
        case NavigationCode.DOWN:
            // Code to move down
        // ... (Other cases)
        case NavigationCode.GAMEPAD_A:
            // Code to handle gamepad A button
        // ... (Other gamepad-related cases)

Class Definition

The NavigationCode class is straightforward and simply defines a set of static constants. It does not contain any methods or properties beyond what is inherited from its superclass.

package scaleform.clik.constants {
    public class NavigationCode {
        public static var UP:String = "up";
        public static var DOWN:String = "down";
        // ... (Other constants)
        public static var GAMEPAD_R3:String = "gamepad_R3";
        // ... (Other constants)

        public function NavigationCode() {

Note: NavigationCode assumes a specific mapping of gamepad buttons to actions, which might correspond to the standard conventions used in a particular game or application. Adjustments might be necessary to align with different hardware or user preferences.