Scaleform Clik Interfaces Idataprovider


The IDataProvider interface is an essential component within the Scaleform CLIK (Common Lightweight Interface Kit) framework, used for managing data in a structured and consistent way across various user interface elements like lists, dropdown menus, etc.

Below is the detailed documentation for the IDataProvider interface.



package scaleform.clik.interfaces {

    public interface IDataProvider {
        function get length() : uint;
        function requestItemAt(param1:uint, param2:Function = null) : Object;
        function requestItemRange(param1:int, param2:int, param3:Function = null) : Array;
        function indexOf(param1:Object, param2:Function = null) : int;
        function cleanUp() : void;
        function invalidate(param1:uint = 0) : void;
        function addEventListener(param1:String, param2:Function, param3:Boolean = false, param4:int = 0, param5:Boolean = false) : void;
        function removeEventListener(param1:String, param2:Function, param3:Boolean = false) : void;
        function dispatchEvent(param1:Event) : Boolean;
        function hasEventListener(param1:String) : Boolean;
        function willTrigger(param1:String) : Boolean;

Methods Overview

The IDataProvider interface consists of the following methods:

Method Return Type Description
length uint Read-only. Retrieves the number of items in the data provider.
requestItemAt Object Requests the item at the specified index, optionally providing a callback function.
requestItemRange Array Retrieves an array of items within the specified range, optionally providing a callback function.
indexOf int Returns the index of the specified item, optionally providing a callback function.
cleanUp void Cleans up internal references to allow for garbage collection.
invalidate void Invalidates the data provider, optionally at a specific index, causing it to refresh its data.
addEventListener void Registers an event listener on the data provider.
removeEventListener void Removes an event listener from the data provider.
dispatchEvent Boolean Dispatches an event to all registered listeners.
hasEventListener Boolean Checks if the data provider has a listener for a specific event type.
willTrigger Boolean Checks if an event of a specific type will trigger.

Detailed Method Descriptions


  • Description: Retrieves the number of items that the data provider contains.
  • Return Type: uint

requestItemAt(param1:uint, param2:Function = null)

  • Description: Requests the data object at the specified index of the data provider. An optional callback function can be provided.
  • Parameters:
    • param1: uint - The index of the item to retrieve.
    • param2: Function (Optional) - A callback function for additional processing.
  • Return Type: Object

requestItemRange(param1:int, param2:int, param3:Function = null)

  • Description: Retrieves an array of data objects that fall within the specified index range of the data provider. An optional callback function can be provided.
  • Parameters:
    • param1: int - The start index of the range.
    • param2: int - The end index of the range.
    • param3: Function (Optional) - A callback function for additional processing.
  • Return Type: Array

indexOf(param1:Object, param2:Function = null)

  • Description: Finds the index of the given item in the data provider. An optional callback function can be provided.
  • Parameters:
    • param1: Object - The item to search for.
    • param2: Function (Optional) - A callback function for additional processing.
  • Return Type: int


  • Description: Cleans up the data provider by releasing references to allow for garbage collection.
  • Return Type: void

invalidate(param1:uint = 0)

  • Description: Invalidates the data provider’s data, causing a refresh. Optionally targets a specific index to invalidate.
  • Parameters:
    • param1: uint (Optional) - The index to invalidate.
  • Return Type: void

addEventListener(param1:String, param2:Function, param3:Boolean = false, param4:int = 0, param5:Boolean = false)

  • Description: Adds an event listener to the data provider for a specific event type.
  • Parameters:
    • param1: String - The type of event to listen for.
    • param2: Function - The listener function that processes the event.
    • param3: Boolean (Optional) - Determines whether the listener works in capture phase.
    • param4: int (Optional) - The priority level of the event listener.
    • param5: Boolean (Optional) - Determines whether the listener is weakly referenced.
  • Return Type: void

removeEventListener(param1:String, param2:Function, param3:Boolean = false)

  • Description: Removes an event listener from the data provider.
  • Parameters:
    • param1: String - The type of event to remove.
    • param2: Function - The listener function to remove.
    • param3: Boolean (Optional) - Determines whether the listener works in capture phase.
  • Return Type: void


  • Description: Dispatches an event to all the registered listeners.
  • Parameters:
    • param1: Event - The event object to dispatch.
  • Return Type: Boolean


  • Description: Checks whether the data provider has any listeners registered for a specific event type.
  • Parameters:
    • param1: String - The type of event to query.
  • Return Type: Boolean


  • Description: Checks whether an event listener exists on the data provider or any of its ancestors for the specified event type.
  • Parameters:
    • param1: String - The type of event to query.
  • Return Type: Boolean

📌 Note: The IDataProvider interface is designed to be implemented by classes that provide data to user interface components, allowing for a flexible and decoupled architecture in the Scaleform CLIK framework.