Shared As3 Bsscrollinglistentry


The BSScrollingListEntry class extends the MovieClip class and is used to create entries for a scrolling list within a user interface. It manages the text display and selection state of each entry, as well as dynamic height adjustments based on the content.

Below is a detailed documentation of the BSScrollingListEntry class contained in the Shared.AS3 package.

Class Definition

package Shared.AS3 {
    import Shared.GlobalFunc;
    import flash.display.MovieClip;
    import flash.text.TextField;
    import flash.text.TextFieldAutoSize;
    import scaleform.gfx.Extensions;
    import scaleform.gfx.TextFieldEx;

    public class BSScrollingListEntry extends MovieClip {
        public var border:MovieClip;
        public var textField:TextField;
        protected var _clipIndex:uint;
        protected var _itemIndex:uint;
        protected var _selected:Boolean;
        public var ORIG_BORDER_HEIGHT:Number;
        protected var _HasDynamicHeight:Boolean;

        public function BSScrollingListEntry() {
            Extensions.enabled = true;
            this.ORIG_BORDER_HEIGHT = this.border != null ? Number(this.border.height) : Number(0);
            this._HasDynamicHeight = true;

        // ... Getters and setters for protected members ...

        public function SetEntryText(aEntryObject:Object, astrTextOption:String) : * {
            // ... Method implementation ...


Property Type Description
border MovieClip The visual border element of the list entry.
textField TextField The text field where the list entry’s text is displayed.
ORIG_BORDER_HEIGHT Number The original height of the entry’s border, used for resetting height on dynamic height changes.
_clipIndex uint The index of the movie clip (internal use).
_itemIndex uint The index of the item in the list (internal use).
_selected Boolean Indicates whether the list entry is currently selected.
_HasDynamicHeight Boolean Indicates whether the list entry has dynamic height enabled.



The constructor initializes the list entry and sets up its properties.

public function BSScrollingListEntry()


Sets the text of the list entry and handles the formatting based on the text options provided.

public function SetEntryText(aEntryObject:Object, astrTextOption:String): *


  • aEntryObject: The object containing the text to be set.
  • astrTextOption: A string specifying the text formatting option to use.

Getters and Setters


  • Getter: public function get clipIndex() : uint
  • Setter: public function set clipIndex(newIndex:uint) : *


  • Getter: public function get itemIndex() : uint
  • Setter: public function set itemIndex(newIndex:uint) : *


  • Getter: public function get selected() : Boolean
  • Setter: public function set selected(flag:Boolean) : *


  • Getter: public function get hasDynamicHeight() : Boolean


  • Getter: public function get defaultHeight() : Number

Usage Example

This class is typically used within the context of a scrolling list UI component. An instance of BSScrollingListEntry is created for each list element, and its text and selection state are managed as the user interacts with the list.

📝 Note: The above documentation assumes familiarity with ActionScript 3 and the Scaleform framework used for game UI development.