Scaleform Clik Constants Invalidationtype


This documentation provides an overview of the InvalidationType class contained within the file. This class is part of the scaleform.clik.constants package and includes a series of constant values representing different types of invalidation states that can be used within the Scaleform CLIK framework.

Class Definition

package scaleform.clik.constants {
    public class InvalidationType {
        // Class constants


The InvalidationType class defines several static constant values. Each of these constants represents a specific type of invalidation used to indicate what aspects of a component need to be revalidated and potentially redrawn. Below is a table of all the constants:

Constant Value Description
ALL "all" Indicates all properties need to be invalidated.
SIZE "size" Indicates the size of the component has changed.
STATE "state" Indicates the state of the component has changed (e.g., enabled, disabled).
DATA "data" Indicates the data of the component has changed.
SETTINGS "settings" Indicates the settings of the component have changed.
RENDERERS "renderers" Indicates the renderers of the component have changed.
SCROLL_BAR "scrollBar" Indicates the scroll bar properties have changed.
SELECTED_INDEX "selectedIndex" Indicates the selected index of a component has changed.


The InvalidationType class constructor is defined as follows:

public function InvalidationType() {

The constructor does not perform any specific function other than calling its superclass constructor. This class is not intended to be instantiated but used for its static constants.

Example Usage

The constants defined in the InvalidationType class are typically used within component classes that extend UIComponent. Here’s a basic example of how these constants might be used in a component’s invalidate method:

public function updateSize():void {
    // Additional logic to handle size changes

In the example above, when the updateSize method is called, it indicates that the size-related properties of the component have become invalid. The component’s invalidation mechanism will then know to revalidate and update the component’s size during the next validation cycle.