Scaleform Clik Controls Buttonbar


The ButtonBar class is a component that creates a navigable bar of buttons, which is commonly used in user interfaces. This class is part of the Scaleform CLIK (Common Lightweight Interface Kit) controls and extends the UIComponent class to provide additional functionality for button navigation and management.

Class Details

  • Package: scaleform.clik.controls
  • Filename:

Import Statements

The ButtonBar class imports several classes which are used within the code:

import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.system.ApplicationDomain;
import flash.text.TextFieldAutoSize;
import scaleform.clik.constants.InputValue;
import scaleform.clik.constants.InvalidationType;
import scaleform.clik.constants.NavigationCode;
import scaleform.clik.core.UIComponent;
import scaleform.clik.interfaces.IDataProvider;
import scaleform.clik.ui.InputDetails;


Property Type Description
DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL String A constant for horizontal direction of the button bar.
DIRECTION_VERTICAL String A constant for vertical direction of the button bar.
_autoSize String Indicates how the button bar should auto-size.
_buttonWidth Number The width of each button in the bar.
_dataProvider IDataProvider The data provider for the button bar.
_direction String The direction in which the buttons are laid out.
_group ButtonGroup The group that the buttons belong to.
_itemRenderer String The class name of the item renderer.
_itemRendererClass Class The Class object of the item renderer.
_labelField String The field of the data provider to use for button labels.
_labelFunction Function A function used to determine the label for each button.
_renderers Array An array of item renderer instances.
_spacing Number The spacing between buttons in the bar.
_selectedIndex Number The index of the currently selected button in the bar.
container MovieClip The MovieClip container that holds the buttons.



public function ButtonBar()
  • Initializes a new instance of the ButtonBar class.

Public Methods

  • function get dataProvider() : IDataProvider
  • function set dataProvider(param1:IDataProvider) : void
  • function set itemRendererName(param1:String) : void
  • function get spacing() : Number
  • function set spacing(param1:Number) : void
  • function get direction() : String
  • function set direction(param1:String) : void
  • function get autoSize() : String
  • function set autoSize(param1:String) : void
  • function get buttonWidth() : Number
  • function set buttonWidth(param1:Number) : void
  • function get selectedIndex() : int
  • function set selectedIndex(param1:int) : void
  • function get selectedItem() : Object
  • function get data() : Object
  • function get labelField() : String
  • function set labelField(param1:String) : void
  • function get labelFunction() : Function
  • function set labelFunction(param1:Function) : void
  • function invalidateSettings() : void
  • function itemToLabel(param1:Object) : String
  • function getButtonAt(param1:int) : Button

Protected Methods

  • function initialize() : void
  • function handleInput(param1:InputEvent) : void
  • function toString() : String
  • function configUI() : void
  • function draw() : void
  • function refreshData() : void
  • function updateRenderers() : void
  • function populateData(param1:Array) : void
  • function populateRendererData(param1:Button, param2:uint) : void
  • function setupRenderer(param1:Button, param2:uint) : void
  • function handleButtonGroupChange(param1:Event) : void
  • function handleDataChange(param1:Event) : void
  • function changeFocus() : void


  • Event.CHANGE: Dispatched when the data provider is changed.
  • IndexEvent.INDEX_CHANGE: Dispatched when the selected index has changed.
  • ButtonEvent.CLICK: Dispatched when a button within the group is clicked.
  • ButtonBarEvent.BUTTON_SELECT: Dispatched when a button is selected.

đź“ť Remarks

  • The class uses constants DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL and DIRECTION_VERTICAL to determine the layout of buttons within the bar.
  • The dataProvider property is used to populate the buttons with data. Data can come from any class that implements the IDataProvider interface.
  • It uses an item renderer class (default is "Button") to create the individual buttons.
  • The ButtonBar class supports auto-sizing, custom button widths, and manages button spacing.
  • It also includes functionality for handling button selection and focus management.

Example Usage:

var buttonBar:ButtonBar = new ButtonBar();
buttonBar.dataProvider = new DataProvider([ { label: "Home" }, { label: "Settings" }, { label: "About" } ]);
buttonBar.itemRendererName = "MyCustomButton";
buttonBar.direction = ButtonBar.DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL;
buttonBar.spacing = 5;
buttonBar.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
buttonBar.buttonWidth = 100;

This will create a button bar with three buttons labeled “Home”, “Settings”, and “About”, using a custom button renderer class, laid out horizontally with 5 pixels spacing between each button, left auto-sizing, and a button width of 100 pixels.