Scaleform Clik Events Buttonevent


The ButtonEvent class is a part of the package and is an extension of the class tailored for button-related interactions within the Scaleform CLIK framework.

Table of Contents

Class Definition

package {

    public class ButtonEvent extends Event {
        // ... (constants, properties, constructor, and methods will be detailed below)

Public Constants

The ButtonEvent class provides a set of constant values used to identify the specific button event type.

Constant Value Description
PRESS “buttonPress” Dispatched when a button is pressed.
CLICK “buttonClick” Dispatched when a button is clicked.
DRAG_OVER “dragOver” Dispatched when a drag-over event occurs on the button.
DRAG_OUT “dragOut” Dispatched when a drag-out event occurs on the button.
RELEASE_OUTSIDE “releaseOutside” Dispatched when the button is released outside of its boundaries.

Public Properties

ButtonEvent includes additional data about the event context:

Property Type Description
controllerIdx uint The index of the controller.
buttonIdx uint The index of the button.
isKeyboard Boolean Indicates if the event is from a keyboard
isRepeat Boolean Indicates if the event is a repeat event.


ButtonEvent(param1: String, param2: Boolean = true, param3: Boolean = false, param4: uint = 0, param5: uint = 0, param6: Boolean = false, param7: Boolean = false)

Creates a new ButtonEvent.

public function ButtonEvent(param1:String, param2:Boolean = true, param3:Boolean = false, param4:uint = 0, param5:uint = 0, param6:Boolean = false, param7:Boolean = false) {
    this.controllerIdx = param4;
    this.buttonIdx = param5;
    this.isKeyboard = param6;
    this.isRepeat = param7;


The ButtonEvent class overrides the following methods from the Event class:

  • clone(): Creates a copy of the ButtonEvent instance.
  • toString(): Returns a string representation of the ButtonEvent instance.


Creates a new ButtonEvent instance that is a copy of the original instance.

override public function clone() : Event {
    return new ButtonEvent(type,bubbles,cancelable,this.controllerIdx,this.buttonIdx,this.isKeyboard,this.isRepeat);


Returns a string representation of the ButtonEvent instance.

override public function toString() : String {
    return formatToString("ButtonEvent","type","bubbles","cancelable","controllerIdx","buttonIdx","isKeyboard","isRepeat");

Event Usage

To use the ButtonEvent, add event listeners to your button objects for the specific events you are interested in PRESS, CLICK, DRAG_OVER, DRAG_OUT, or RELEASE_OUTSIDE. Within the event listener, you can access the ButtonEvent properties to determine the context of the event, such as the controller and button indices, and whether the event originated from a keyboard or is a repeat event.


myButton.addEventListener(ButtonEvent.CLICK, onButtonClick);

function onButtonClick(event:ButtonEvent):void {
    trace("Button clicked by controller index: " + event.controllerIdx);