Shared Globalfunc


Mainly used for backend operations in UI and HUD elements of Scaleform GFX in games.

GlobalFunc is a utility class in the Shared package, providing a collection of static functions to facilitate various operations in Scaleform and game interfaces.

The file contains a collection of static utility functions that can be used throughout a Flash application. These functions provide a range of features such as linear interpolation, rounding decimals, text formatting, and ensuring display objects stay within a safe rectangular boundary on the screen.

Used for various utility operations like text formatting, animation controls, and geometric calculations.

Includes methods for linear interpolation (Lerp), rounding decimals, checking proximity (CloseToNumber), maintaining text formats, setting text with optional HTML and truncation (SetText), aligning objects within a safe area (LockToSafeRect), and more.


// Example usage for setting text
GlobalFunc.SetText(myTextField, "Example Text", false, true);


The following table lists the constants defined within the GlobalFunc class:

Constant Name Type Description Value
PIPGREY_OUT_ALPHA Number Alpha transparency for a greyed-out Pipboy 0.5
SELECTED_RECT_ALPHA Number Alpha transparency for a selected rectangle 1
DIMMED_ALPHA Number Alpha transparency for a dimmed element 0.65
NUM_DAMAGE_TYPES uint Number of damage types 6
CLOSE_ENOUGH_EPSILON Number Epsilon value for close number comparison 0.001
MAX_TRUNCATED_TEXT_LENGTH Number Maximum length for truncated text 42
PLAY_FOCUS_SOUND String Identifier for the play focus sound event "GlobalFunc::playFocusSound"


Linear Interpolation (Lerp)

Performs a linear interpolation between two values.

public static function Lerp(aTargetMin:Number, aTargetMax:Number, aSourceMin:Number, aSourceMax:Number, aSource:Number, abClamp:Boolean) : Number

Round Decimal

Rounds a number to a given precision.

public static function RoundDecimal(aNumber:Number, aPrecision:Number) : Number

Close To Number

Determines if two numbers are within a small range (epsilon) of each other.

public static function CloseToNumber(aNumber1:Number, aNumber2:Number) : Boolean

Maintain Text Format

Maintains the text format of a TextField when setting its text.

public static function MaintainTextFormat() : *

Set Text

Sets the text of a TextField with options to use HTML text, uppercase conversion, and truncation.

public static function SetText(aTextField:TextField, aText:String, abHTMLText:Boolean, abUpperCase:Boolean = false, abTruncate:* = false) : *

Lock To Safe Rect

Positions a DisplayObject within a specified safe rectangle on the screen.

public static function LockToSafeRect(aDisplayObject:DisplayObject, aPosition:String, aSafeX:Number = 0, aSafeY:Number = 0) : *

Add Movie Explore Functions

Adds functions to explore MovieClip instances within a MovieClip object.

public static function AddMovieExploreFunctions() : *

Add Reverse Functions

Adds functions for playing MovieClip animations in reverse.

public static function AddReverseFunctions() : *

String Trim

Trims whitespace from the beginning and end of a string.

public static function StringTrim(astrText:String) : String

Usage 📝

To use these utility functions, simply call them statically through the GlobalFunc class, such as:

var alpha:Number = GlobalFunc.Lerp(0, 1, 0, 100, 50, true);

To ensure the methods that extend built-in classes (like TextField) work correctly, call the relevant function like MaintainTextFormat() somewhere in your initialization code.

Note: The extensions to TextField.prototype and MovieClip.prototype modify the prototypes of built-in ActionScript 3 classes, which is generally discouraged as it can lead to conflicts and unpredictable behavior if multiple libraries or pieces of code attempt to extend the same prototypes. Use these extensions with caution.