Shared As3 Bsslider


The class is a custom slider component for ActionScript 3 that extends the BSUIComponent class.

Below is the documentation for the BSSlider class, detailing its properties, methods, and functionalities.

Table of Contents

Class Definition

package Shared.AS3 {
    import Shared.CustomEvent;
    import flash.display.MovieClip;
    // ... More imports

    public class BSSlider extends BSUIComponent {
        // ... Class contents


Name Type Description
VALUE_CHANGED String Event constant representing when the slider changes


Name Type Description
SliderBackground_mc MovieClip The background display object for the slider
Marker_mc MovieClip The marker or handle of the slider
Fill_mc MovieClip The filled part of the slider
LeftArrow_mc MovieClip The MovieClip for the left arrow button
RightArrow_mc MovieClip The MovieClip for the right arrow button
_iMaxValue uint Private variable to store the maximum slider value
_iValue uint Private variable to store the current slider value
_iMinValue uint Private variable to store the minimum slider value
_fValueFillIncrement Number The increment for the fill when the slider value changes
_fFillLength Number The length of the fill area
LEFT_X Number X-coordinate for left boundary
RIGHT_X Number X-coordinate for right boundary
_SliderMarkerBoundBox Rectangle Boundary box for the slider marker
_bIsDragging Boolean Indicates if the user is currently dragging the marker
_iControllerBumperJumpSize Any Size of the jump when using a controller bumper
_iControllerTriggerJumpSize Any Size of the jump when using a controller trigger



Initializes the slider with default settings and event listeners for dragging functionality.

public function BSSlider() {
    // Constructor code...

Public Methods

Getters and Setters

The following methods are used to get and set the properties of the slider:

  • sliderWidth
  • minValue
  • value
  • maxValue
  • markerPosition
  • controllerBumberJumpSize
  • controllerTriggerJumpSize


Allows to jump the slider’s value by a given amount.

public function valueJump(param1:int) : * {
    // Implementation...


Processes controller events to adjust the slider value.

public function ProcessUserEvent(param1:String, param2:Boolean) : Boolean {
    // Implementation...

Private Methods


Handles the start of a drag operation on the marker.

private function onBeginDrag(param1:MouseEvent) : * {
    // Implementation...


Handles the release of a drag operation on the marker.

private function onReleaseDrag(param1:MouseEvent) : * {
    // Implementation...


Updates the value of the slider based on the marker’s position during a drag operation.

private function onValueDrag(param1:MouseEvent) : * {
    // Implementation...

Event Handlers


Handles keyboard input for slider adjustments.

private function onKeyDownHandler(param1:KeyboardEvent) : * {
    // Implementation...


Handles mouse wheel input for slider adjustments.

private function onMouseWheelHandler(param1:MouseEvent) : * {
    // Implementation...


Handles clicks on the arrow buttons for slider adjustments.

public function onArrowClickHandler(param1:MouseEvent) : * {
    // Implementation...


Handles clicks on the slider background to adjust the value.

public function onSliderBarMouseClickHandler(param1:MouseEvent) : * {
    // Implementation...

Override Methods


Sets up the event listeners when the slider is added to the stage.

override public function onAddedToStage() : void {
    // Implementation...


Removes event listeners when the slider is removed from the stage.

override public function onRemovedFromStage() : void {
    // Implementation...


Updates the appearance of the slider components.

override public function redrawUIComponent() : void {
    // Implementation...

Please use this documentation as a reference for understanding the features and functionalities of the BSSlider class in the file.