Scaleform Clik Constants Focusmode


The file contains a public class FocusMode within the scaleform.clik.constants package. This class defines several constants that represent different focus modes. These constants can be used to configure how focus is handled within an application.


The FocusMode class defines the following constants:

Constant Value Description
LOOP "loop" Focus can loop around.
DEFAULT "default" The default focus mode.
VERTICAL "focusModeVertical" Focus movement is constrained to the vertical.
HORIZONTAL "focusModeHorizontal" Focus movement is constrained to the horizontal.

Code snippet

package scaleform.clik.constants {

    public class FocusMode {
        public static const LOOP:String = "loop";
        public static const DEFAULT:String = "default";
        public static const VERTICAL:String = "focusModeVertical";
        public static const HORIZONTAL:String = "focusModeHorizontal";

        public function FocusMode() {


To use one of these constants, you can refer to them through the class name followed by the constant name.

For example:

import scaleform.clik.constants.FocusMode;

var currentFocusMode:String = FocusMode.DEFAULT;


The FocusMode class constructor does nothing beyond calling the constructor of the superclass.

public function FocusMode() {


  • This class is part of the Scaleform CLIK (Common Lightweight Interface Kit), which is a UI development kit for games.
  • The FocusMode class cannot be instantiated, as it is meant to provide constants only.
  • The file is named and should be placed in the scaleform/clik/constants directory of your ActionScript 3.0 project.

Remember to always reference the appropriate constant when configuring focus behavior to maintain readability and avoid “magic strings” in your codebase!