Components Itemcard


The ItemCard class extends BSUIComponent to manage and display item information in a user interface. This class is part of the Components package and it is responsible for organizing and rendering item entries based on various types and attributes.


Property Type Description
_InfoObj Array An array of data objects that hold information about the item.
currY Number The current Y position for placing new item entries.
_showItemDesc Boolean Determines whether the item description should be shown.
ENTRY_SPACING Number Constant defining the spacing between entries.
ET_STANDARD uint Constant representing a standard entry type.
ET_AMMO uint Constant representing an ammunition entry type.
ET_DMG_WEAP uint Constant representing a weapon damage entry type.
ET_DMG_ARMO uint Constant representing an armor damage entry type.
ET_TIMED_EFFECT uint Constant representing a timed effect entry type.
ET_COMPONENTS_LIST uint Constant representing a components list entry type.
ET_ITEM_DESCRIPTION uint Constant representing an item description entry type.


The ItemCard constructor initializes the properties:

public function ItemCard() {
    this._InfoObj = new Array();
    this._showItemDesc = true;
    this.currY = 0;


  • Getter and Setter for InfoObj
public function get InfoObj() : Array {
    return this._InfoObj;

public function set InfoObj(aNewArray:Array) : * {
    this._InfoObj = aNewArray;
  • Setter for showItemDesc
public function set showItemDesc(aVal:Boolean) : * {
    this._showItemDesc = aVal;
  • onDataChange Method

Invokes SetIsDirty method to indicate that the data has changed.

public function onDataChange() : * {
  • redrawUIComponent Method

Overrides BSUIComponent method to redraw the UI components for the item card.

override public function redrawUIComponent() : void {
    // Implementation details omitted for brevity.
  • GetEntryType Private Method

Determines the entry type based on the object properties.

private function GetEntryType(aEntryObj:Object) : uint {
    // Implementation details omitted for brevity.
  • CreateEntry Private Method

Creates an ItemCard_Entry instance based on the specified entry type.

private function CreateEntry(aEntryType:uint) : ItemCard_Entry {
    // Implementation details omitted for brevity.

Entry Types and their Constants

  • Standard Entries: Represented by ET_STANDARD
  • Ammo Entries: Represented by ET_AMMO
  • Weapon Damage Entries: Represented by ET_DMG_WEAP
  • Armor Damage Entries: Represented by ET_DMG_ARMO
  • Timed Effect Entries: Represented by ET_TIMED_EFFECT
  • Components List Entries: Represented by ET_COMPONENTS_LIST
  • Item Description Entries: Represented by ET_ITEM_DESCRIPTION


The ItemCard class is used by creating an instance and providing it with an array of item data through the InfoObj property. Based on the data and the specified types, the class will handle the rendering of each item component on the user interface.


var itemCard:ItemCard = new ItemCard();
itemCard.InfoObj = [/* array of item data */];
itemCard.showItemDesc = true; // Show the description
itemCard.redrawUIComponent(); // Redraw the UI

This documentation provides a high-level understanding of the ItemCard class functionalities and usage within the user interface system. It is a critical piece for anyone looking to modify or extend the UI components for item information display.