Scaleform Clik Core Uicomponent


This documentation details the UIComponent class, which extends the MovieClip class from the Flash display list. The UIComponent class is part of the Scaleform CLIK (Common Lightweight Interface Kit) library used for creating user interfaces in games.

Class Structure

package scaleform.clik.core {
    // Imports
    import flash.display.MovieClip;
    import scaleform.gfx.FocusManager;

    public class UIComponent extends MovieClip {
        // Public properties
        public var initialized:Boolean = false;
        public var constraints:Constraints;

        // Protected properties
        protected var _invalidHash:Object;
        protected var _invalid:Boolean = false;
        protected var _enableInitCallback:Boolean = false;

        // Constructor
        public function UIComponent() {

        // Public static methods
        public static function generateLabelHash(param1:MovieClip):Object {

        // Protected methods
        protected function preInitialize():void {
        protected function validateNow(param1:Event = null):void {

        // Public methods
        public function get componentInspectorSetting() : Boolean {
        public function dispatchEventAndSound(param1:Event) : Boolean {

        // Override methods
        override public function get width() : Number {
        override public function toString() : String {

        // More protected methods
        protected function initSize() : void {
        protected function handleEnterFrameValidation(param1:Event) : void {


Access Type Property Description
public Boolean initialized Indicates whether the component has been initialized.
public Constraints constraints References the constraints object for layout management.
protected Boolean _invalid Flag for tracking if the component needs to be redrawn.
protected Number _width The width of the component.
protected Number _height The height of the component.
protected Boolean _enableInitCallback Enables callback when the component is added to the stage.



  • UIComponent(): Initializes the component by setting up default values and event listeners.

Public Static Methods

  • generateLabelHash(param1:MovieClip):Object: Generates a hash of the frame labels.

Public Methods

  • get componentInspectorSetting():Boolean: Retrieves the inspector setting.
  • set componentInspectorSetting(param1:Boolean):void: Sets the inspector setting.
  • setSize(param1:Number, param2:Number):void: Sets the size of the component.
  • validateNow(param1:Event = null):void: Validates and updates the component immediately, if invalid.
  • dispatchEventAndSound(param1:Event):Boolean: Dispatches an event and plays a sound associated with it.

Override Methods

  • get width():Number: Retrieves the width of the component.
  • set width(param1:Number):void: Sets the width of the component.
  • toString():String: Returns a string representation of the UIComponent.

Protected Methods

  • preInitialize():void: Method for code that should run before the component is initialized.
  • initialize():void: Initializes the component, setting up necessary state.

Code Highlights

  • The class relies on invalidation flags (_invalidHash) to manage state and optimize rendering.
  • The initialize method sets up the component’s initial size and layout details.
  • Focus management features are incorporated with FocusManager.
  • The Invalidate pattern is used to defer updates until necessary, improving performance.

Example Usage

var myComponent:UIComponent = new UIComponent();
myComponent.setSize(150, 50);