Scaleform Clik Core Clik



The CLIK class is part of the scaleform.clik.core package and is responsible for integrating Scaleform CLIK (Common Lightweight Interface Kit) components into a Flash environment. It provides static methods to initialize components, manage focus, pop-ups, and also allows for callback queuing to ensure components are initialized at the appropriate time.

Class Details

This dynamic class contains static members and functions to handle the initialization and management of UI components within the Scaleform framework.


Property Type Description
stage Stage A reference to the Stage object.
initialized Boolean Indicates whether the CLIK system has been initialized.
disableNullFocusMoves Boolean If true, disallows focus moves to null.
disableDynamicTextFieldFocus Boolean If true, disables focus on dynamic text fields.
disableTextFieldToNullFocusMoves Boolean If true, disallows focus moves from text fields to null.
useImmediateCallbacks Boolean If true, callbacks are fired immediately rather than queued.
isInitListenerActive (protected) Boolean Indicates if the initialization listener is active.
firingInitCallbacks (protected) Boolean A flag to determine if initialization callbacks are currently being fired.
initQueue (protected) Dictionary A Dictionary queue holding initialization callbacks, indexed by depth in the display list hierarchy.
validDictIndices (protected) Vector.<uint> A Vector of indices that are used to keep track of valid Dictionary entries in the queue.


Method Return Type Description
initialize(param1:Stage, param2:UIComponent) void Initializes the CLIK system with a reference to the Stage and a UIComponent as a root for focus management.
getTargetPathFor(param1:DisplayObjectContainer) String Returns a string representation of the target path for the given DisplayObjectContainer.
queueInitCallback(param1:UIComponent) void Queues a UIComponent for initialization callback.
fireInitCallback(param1:Event) (protected) void Fires initialization callbacks for all queued UIComponents. Fires when a frame exits if useImmediateCallbacks is false.
clearQueue() (protected) void Clears the initialization queue.
sortFunc(param1:uint, param2:uint) (protected) Number A sort function used internally to sort valid dictionary indices.
getTargetPathImpl(param1:DisplayObjectContainer, param2:String) (protected) String A helper function that constructs the target path by recursively traversing up the display list starting from the specified container.

Example Usage

To initialize the CLIK system, you would call the initialize method typically at the start of your application:

import scaleform.clik.core.CLIK;
import flash.display.Stage;

var myStage:Stage = /* your stage reference */;
CLIK.initialize(myStage, /* your root UIComponent */);

If you’re working with UI components that need to perform actions once they’ve been added to the stage, you might queue an initialization callback:

import scaleform.clik.core.UIComponent;

var myUIComponent:UIComponent = /* your UIComponent instance */;


  • The CLIK class is dynamic, which allows additional properties to be added to it at runtime.
  • It is important to ensure that the system is only initialized once, which is why there is a check for the initialized property at the beginning of the initialize function.
  • Callbacks can be fired immediately or queued based on the useImmediateCallbacks property.

📝 Please note that this documentation is based on the provided code snippet and assumes familiarity with the Scaleform CLIK framework and ActionScript 3.0.