Scaleform Clik Controls Button


The Button class in the Scaleform CLIK framework is designed to provide interactive button functionality for user interfaces in Flash-based applications, particularly in video game HUDs. Below is a comprehensive documentation of the Button class, detailing its properties, methods, and usage.

Table of Contents

Class Overview

package scaleform.clik.controls {
    // Import statements...

    public class Button extends UIComponent {
        // Class body...

Public Properties

Property Type Description
lockDragStateChange Boolean Prevents state changes on the button while dragging.
repeatDelay Number The initial delay before auto-repeat begins (in milliseconds).
repeatInterval Number The interval between auto-repeats (in milliseconds).
constraintsDisabled Boolean Disables resizing constraints if set to true.
allowDeselect Boolean Allows the button to be deselected if set to true.
preventAutosizing Boolean Prevents the button from auto-resizing if set to true.
textField TextField The TextField instance used to display the button’s label.
defaultTextFormat TextFormat The default text format for the button’s label.

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
\_toggle Boolean Indicates if the button is toggleable.
\_label String The label text of the button.
\_state String The current state of the button.
\_group ButtonGroup The group this button belongs to, if any.
\_groupName String The group name this button belongs to, if any.
\_selected Boolean Indicates if the button is currently selected.
\_data Object The data associated with the button.
\_autoRepeat Boolean Indicates if the button should auto-repeat when held down.
\_autoSize String The auto-size setting for the button.
\_pressedByKeyboard Boolean Indicates if the button was pressed by the keyboard.
\_isRepeating Boolean Indicates if the button is currently in the repeating state.
\_owner UIComponent The owner of this button.
\_stateMap Object The mapping of states to frame labels.
\_newFrame String The new frame to go to after state change.
\_newFocusIndicatorFrame String The new frame for the focus indicator.
\_repeatTimer Timer The timer used for auto-repeating.
\_mouseDown int The state of mouse buttons.
\_focusIndicatorLabelHash Object The hash of focus indicator labels.
\_autoRepeatEvent ButtonEvent The event to dispatch on auto-repeat.
\_focusIndicator MovieClip The focus indicator movie clip.
statesDefault Vector. The default state prefixes vector.
statesSelected Vector. The selected state prefixes vector.

Public Methods

Method Return Type Description
Button()   Constructor method for creating a new Button instance.
get data() Object Returns the data associated with the button.
set data(param1) void Sets the data associated with the button.
get autoRepeat() Boolean Returns if the button auto-repeat is enabled.
set autoRepeat(param1) void Sets the auto-repeat behavior of the button.
  (Additional getters and setters are defined for various properties)

Protected Methods

Method Return Type Description
addToAutoGroup(param1) void Adds the button to an automatically managed group.
checkOwnerFocused() Boolean Checks if the button’s owner is focused.
calculateWidth() Number Calculates the correct width of the button.
alignForAutoSize() void Aligns the button for auto-sizing.
updateText() void Updates the text of the button label.
  (Additional protected methods handle state transitions, input, and other internal behaviors)


The Button class dispatches various events to signal state changes and interactions.

  • Event.SELECT: Dispatched when the selection state changes.
  • ButtonEvent.PRESS: Dispatched when the button is pressed.
  • ButtonEvent.CLICK: Dispatched when the button is clicked.
  • ButtonEvent.RELEASE_OUTSIDE: Dispatched when the button is released outside of its bounds.
  • ButtonEvent.DRAG_OVER: Dispatched when the button is dragged over.
  • ButtonEvent.DRAG_OUT: Dispatched when the button is dragged out.
  • Additional internal events are used to handle focusing, input, and state changes.

Example Usage

var myButton:Button = new Button();
myButton.label = "Click Me!";
myButton.toggle = true; // Makes the button toggleable
myButton.addEventListener(Event.SELECT, handleButtonSelect);

function handleButtonSelect(e:Event):void {
    trace("Button selected: " + myButton.selected);

To use the Button class, import it into your ActionScript file, create an instance, set its properties, add event listeners as needed, and then add it to the display list.