Scaleform Gfx Extensions


The file is part of the scaleform.gfx package and provides a set of static properties and methods related to Scaleform extensions in Flash. These extensions include additional functionality beyond the standard Flash API, tailored for UI elements in games that use Scaleform technology.

Table of Contents

Class Definition

package scaleform.gfx {
    public final class Extensions {
        // ...

The Extensions class is marked as final, indicating it cannot be subclassed. The class contains both constants and static properties and methods, which means they can be accessed directly on the class without creating an instance.


Constant Description Value
EDGEAA_INHERIT Inherit anti-aliasing settings. 0
EDGEAA_ON Enable anti-aliasing. 1
EDGEAA_OFF Disable anti-aliasing. 2
EDGEAA_DISABLE Disable edge anti-aliasing. 3

These constants are used to determine the anti-aliasing mode for display objects.


Property Type Description
isGFxPlayer Boolean Indicates if the GFx Player is being used.
CLIK_addedToStageCallback Function Callback function for when a CLIK component is added.
gfxProcessSound Function Function for processing sound through Scaleform.
enabled Boolean Enable or disable the extensions.
noInvisibleAdvance Boolean Whether advance should be stopped when invisible.
numControllers uint The number of controllers available.
visibleRect Rectangle The visible rectangle of the stage.
isScaleform Boolean Indicates if Scaleform is enabled.


Getting Objects and Properties

  • getTopMostEntity(x:Number, y:Number, testAll:Boolean = true) : DisplayObject

    Retrieves the topmost display object that lies under the specified point on the stage.

  • getMouseTopMostEntity(testAll:Boolean = true, mouseIndex:uint = 0) : DisplayObject

    Returns the display object that is under the mouse cursor.

  • getMouseCursorType(mouseIndex:uint = 0) : String

    Gets the type of the mouse cursor currently in use.

  • get visibleRect() : Rectangle

    Returns a rectangle representing the visible area of the stage.

  • getEdgeAAMode(dispObj:DisplayObject) : uint

    Retrieves the edge anti-aliasing mode of a given display object.

Setting Properties

  • setMouseCursorType(cursor:String, mouseIndex:uint = 0) : void

    Sets the type of the mouse cursor.

  • setEdgeAAMode(dispObj:DisplayObject, mode:uint) : void

    Sets the edge anti-aliasing mode for a specific display object.

  • setIMEEnabled(textField:TextField, isEnabled:Boolean) : void

    Enables or disables the Input Method Editor for a text field.

Example Usage

Here is an example of how to use some of the static methods and properties of the Extensions class:

import scaleform.gfx.Extensions;

// Check if Scaleform extensions are enabled
var scaleformEnabled:Boolean = Extensions.enabled;

// Get the topmost entity at a specific point on the stage
var topEntity:DisplayObject = Extensions.getTopMostEntity(100, 200);

// Set the edge anti-aliasing mode for a display object
var myDisplayObject:DisplayObject; // assume this is initialized elsewhere
Extensions.setEdgeAAMode(myDisplayObject, Extensions.EDGEAA_ON);

// Enable IME for a text field
var myTextField:TextField; // assume this is initialized elsewhere
Extensions.setIMEEnabled(myTextField, true);

Remember that as these are static members, they must always be accessed through the Extensions class directly.

Notes and Remarks

  • The Extensions class cannot be instantiated as it only contains static members.
  • Methods that appear to return display objects or properties actually return default values or null in this documentation, as the actual functionality depends on Scaleform’s execution environment.
  • Some methods contain optional parameters with default values, allowing for more flexible use.