Shared As3 Companionapp Pipboyloader


The PipboyLoader class extends the functionality of the Flash Loader class, enabling conditional asset loading depending on whether the Companion App Mode is active or not. When active, it uses an external interface to retrieve asset paths before performing the load operation.

Table of Contents

Class Definition

package Shared.AS3.COMPANIONAPP {
    import flash.display.Loader;
    import flash.external.ExternalInterface;
    import flash.system.LoaderContext;

    public class PipboyLoader extends Loader {
        private var _request:URLRequest;
        private var _context:LoaderContext;

        public function PipboyLoader() {

        override public function load(param1:URLRequest, param2:LoaderContext = null) : void {
            if(CompanionAppMode.isOn) {
                if(ExternalInterface.available) {
                    this._request = param1;
                    this._context = param2;
                } else {
                    trace("PipboyLoader::load -- ExternalInterface is not available!");
            } else {

        public function OnGetAssetPathResult(param1:String) : void {
            this._request.url = param1;
            this._request = null;
            this._context = null;




  • PipboyLoader()
    • No parameters
    • Initializes the Loader superclass.

Load Method

  • load(param1:URLRequest, param2:LoaderContext = null)
    • Table of Parameters:

      Parameter Type Description
      param1 URLRequest The URLRequest object.
      param2 LoaderContext The LoaderContext (optional).
    • This method overrides the Loader’s load method, adding functionality to manage asset loading depending on the Companion App Mode.

OnGetAssetPathResult Method

  • OnGetAssetPathResult(param1:String)
    • Table of Parameters:

      Parameter Type Description
      param1 String String representing the path to the asset file.
    • Called when the external interface provides the asset path, updating the request URL and invoking the superclass load method to load the asset.


The PipboyLoader class is utilized to handle asset loading within a Flash application that has a companion app feature, enabling special loading behaviors when the companion app is active.

  1. Create an instance of PipboyLoader.
  2. Call the load method with appropriate parameters to initiate the asset loading process.
  3. If the Companion App Mode is active and ExternalInterface is available, an external call is made to fetch the asset path.
  4. Upon receiving the asset path via the OnGetAssetPathResult callback, the loader updates the URL and continues with the loading process.

Note: Error handling for ExternalInterface not being available is done through a trace statement. Consider enhancing this to a more robust error handling procedure in a production environment.

Remember that the PipboyLoader class is an ActionScript 3.0 (AS3) code and is meant for Flash-based projects, which as of the time of the knowledge cutoff for this document, may not be supported in modern web environments due to the deprecation of Flash Player.