Shared As3 Bsbuttonhintdata


The BSButtonHintData class is part of the Shared.AS3 package and extends the EventDispatcher class to manage button hints data in a user interface. This class is used to describe the properties of a button, such as its labels, associated keys, and states (enabled, visible, flashing).

Table of Contents

  1. Constants
  2. Properties
  3. Public Methods
  4. Event Handlers
  5. Usage


| Constant | Description | |————————–|————————————-| | BUTTON_HINT_DATA_CHANGE| Event identifier for data changes. |


Primary Button Properties

| Property | Type | Description | |———————-|———-|———————————————-| | _strButtonText | String | The text label of the button. | | _strPCKey | String | The key associated with the button on PC. | | _strPSNButton | String | The PlayStation controller button label. | | _strXenonButton | String | The Xbox controller button label. | | _uiJustification | uint | The justification value for the button. | | _callbackFunction | Function | The function callback for button click. | | _bButtonDisabled | Boolean| The state of the button being disabled. | | _bButtonVisible | Boolean| The visibility status of the button. | | _bButtonFlashing | Boolean| Whether the button is flashing. |

Secondary Button Properties

| Property | Type | Description | |——————————-|———–|—————————————————–| | _hasSecondaryButton | Boolean | Indicates the presence of a secondary button. | | _strSecondaryPCKey | String | The secondary PC key. | | _strSecondaryPSNButton | String | The secondary PlayStation controller button label. | | _strSecondaryXenonButton | String | The secondary Xbox controller button label. | | _secondaryButtonCallback | Function| The callback function for the secondary button. |

Dynamic Movie Clip

| Property | Type | Description | |—————————|———-|————————————————-| | _strDynamicMovieClipName| String | The name of the dynamic movie clip associated. |

Public Methods


public function BSButtonHintData(astrButtonText:String, astrPCKey:String, astrPSNButton:String, astrXenonButton:String, auiJustification:uint, aFunction:Function)

Initializes a new instance of the BSButtonHintData class.


  • Various getters and setters for button properties such as ButtonText, PCKey, PSNButton, XenonButton, etc.
  • Allows toggling button states like ButtonDisabled, ButtonVisible, and ButtonFlashing.

Button Configuration

  • SetButtons - Set primary button configuration.
  • SetSecondaryButtons - Set secondary button configuration.

Event Handling

  • AnnounceDataChange - Dispatches the BUTTON_HINT_DATA_CHANGE event.

Callback Setup

  • secondaryButtonCallback - Set the callback for secondary button.

Event Handlers

  • onAnnounceDataChange
  • onTextClick
  • onSecondaryButtonClick


Here is an example of how the BSButtonHintData class might be instantiated and used:

import Shared.AS3.BSButtonHintData;

var buttonHint:BSButtonHintData = new BSButtonHintData("Press", "E", "X", "A", 1, function() {
    trace("Button was clicked");

buttonHint.ButtonVisible = true;
buttonHint.ButtonEnabled = true;
buttonHint.onTextClick = function() {
    trace("Primary button was clicked");

buttonHint.SetSecondaryButtons("Q", "Square", "B");
buttonHint.SecondaryButtonEnabled = true;
buttonHint.onSecondaryButtonClick = function() {
    trace("Secondary button was clicked");

This class is designed to interact with UI elements for action-driven interfaces, typically found in video game UI systems. The properties and methods allow a developer to define the look and functionality of the UI buttons and handle user interactions seamlessly. The EventDispatcher functionality enables communication between the UI component and the rest of the application when changes occur.