Scaleform Gfx Focusmanager


The FocusManager class is part of the scaleform.gfx package and provides a suite of static methods designed to manage focus within Scaleform GFx displays.

The class is designed to be used with Scaleform’s game development tools and is not intended for use with standard Flash applications.

Class Definition

package scaleform.gfx {
    import flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer;
    import flash.display.InteractiveObject;
    import flash.display.Sprite;

    public final class FocusManager {
        // Constructor and methods


  • FocusManager() Constructs a new instance of the FocusManager class.


Property Name Type Description
alwaysEnableArrowKeys Boolean Enables or disables the use of arrow keys for navigation at all times.
disableFocusKeys Boolean Enables or disables the focus key functionality.
numFocusGroups uint Retrieves the number of focus groups available.


Focus Management

| Method | Return Type | Description | |—————————|———————-|————————————————————————-| | setFocus | void | Sets the current focus to a specified InteractiveObject. | | getFocus | InteractiveObject | Returns the current InteractiveObject that has focus. | | moveFocus | InteractiveObject | Moves the focus based on the given direction and conditions. | | findFocus | InteractiveObject | Finds the next object that should receive focus. |

Focus Group Management

| Method | Return Type | Description | |—————————|———————-|————————————————————————-| | setFocusGroupMask | void | Sets the focus group mask for an InteractiveObject. | | getFocusGroupMask | uint | Gets the focus group mask for an InteractiveObject. | | setControllerFocusGroup | Boolean | Assigns a focus group to a controller. | | getControllerFocusGroup | uint | Gets the focus group assigned to a controller. | | getControllerMaskByFocusGroup | uint | Retrieves the controller mask for a given focus group. |

| Method | Return Type | Description | |—————————|———————-|————————————————————————-| | setModalClip | void | Sets a Sprite as the modal clip. | | getModalClip | Sprite | Retrieves the current modal clip. |

Usage Notes

  • setFocus and getFocus: These methods are only usable with GFx and provide diagnostic trace outputs when used with Flash.
  • alwaysEnableArrowKeys and disableFocusKeys: These properties are accessors for enabling or disabling specific focus-related behaviors.
  • moveFocus and findFocus: These methods are used to navigate between interactive objects based on certain criteria (e.g., direction, starting object).

Example Code

Setting Always Enable Arrow Keys

FocusManager.alwaysEnableArrowKeys = true;

Setting Focus to an InteractiveObject

var interactiveObj:InteractiveObject = new InteractiveObject();


  • This class is a final class and cannot be extended.
  • It is important to note that error messages indicate that FocusManager.setFocus and FocusManager.getFocus are not functional for standard Flash applications but are specific to Scaleform GFx. Use the stage.focus property for Flash applications instead.
  • The FocusManager class is part of the Scaleform utilities for game interface design and is typically not used in traditional web-based Flash development.