Scaleform Clik Data Dataprovider


DataProvider is a dynamic class that extends the Array class and implements the IDataProvider and IEventDispatcher interfaces.

It serves as a data storage system capable of dispatching events when data changes. This class is part of the package and is typically used within the Scaleform CLIK (Common Lightweight Interface Kit) UI framework for Adobe Flash.

Below is a comprehensive documentation for the DataProvider class, contained in the file.

Class Definition

package {

    import scaleform.clik.interfaces.IDataProvider;

    public dynamic class DataProvider extends Array implements IDataProvider, IEventDispatcher {
        // ...


DataProvider(param1:Array = null)

Initializes a new instance of the DataProvider class. Optionally accepts an array of items to parse as the data source.

Parameter Type Description Default
param1 Array The initial array of data. null


indexOf(param1:Object, param2:Function = null) : int

Returns the index of the specified item within the data provider. An optional callback can be supplied.

Parameter Type Description Default
param1 Object The item to search for in the data provider.  
param2 Function An optional callback function to execute with index. null

requestItemAt(param1:uint, param2:Function = null) : Object

Requests the item at the specified index with an optional callback.

Parameter Type Description Default
param1 uint The index of the item to retrieve.  
param2 Function An optional callback function to execute with item. null

requestItemRange(param1:int, param2:int, param3:Function = null) : Array

Requests a range of items from the data provider with an optional callback.

Parameter Type Description Default
param1 int The start index of the range.  
param2 int The end index of the range.  
param3 Function An optional callback function to execute with range. null

cleanUp() : void

Clears all items from the data provider.

invalidate(param1:uint = 0) : void

Dispatches a change event to notify listeners that the data provider has been updated.

Parameter Type Description Default
param1 uint Unused parameter, reserved for future use. 0

setSource(param1:Array) : void

Sets the source of the data provider to the supplied array.

Parameter Type Description Default
param1 Array The new source array for the data.  

toString() : String

Returns a string representation of the DataProvider.

addEventListener(param1:String, param2:Function, param3:Boolean = false, param4:int = 0, param5:Boolean = false) : void

Adds an event listener to the internal event dispatcher.

removeEventListener(param1:String, param2:Function, param3:Boolean = false) : void

Removes an event listener from the internal event dispatcher.

dispatchEvent(param1:Event) : Boolean

Dispatches an event through the internal event dispatcher.

hasEventListener(param1:String) : Boolean

Checks if the internal event dispatcher has a listener for the specified event.

willTrigger(param1:String) : Boolean

Checks if an event of the specified type will trigger.

Protected Methods

parseSource(param1:Array) : void

Parses the source array and copies its contents to the data provider.

Parameter Type Description Default
param1 Array The source array to parse.  

Event Constants

The DataProvider class dispatches the following event:

Event Description
Event.CHANGE Dispatched when the data provider changes.

Example Usage

var myDataProvider:DataProvider = new DataProvider([1, 2, 3]);
myDataProvider.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, onDataChange);
myDataProvider.setItemAt(0, "New item");

function onDataChange(event:Event):void {
    trace("The data provider has changed.");

Remember that DataProvider can be used dynamically, meaning you can add properties to instances of this class at runtime. Moreover, due to its design, you might consider using event listeners to handle updates in data, especially for data-binding scenarios in user interfaces.

📄 File: 📦 Package: 🔧 Implements: IDataProvider, IEventDispatcher