Shared As3 Bsreversedscrollinglist

BSReversedScrollingList is an ActionScript 3.0 class file which defines a custom list element with reversed scrolling functionality. This class extends the BSScrollingList class, providing additional features specific for reversed list behavior.

Table of Contents

Class Overview

BSReversedScrollingList is a subclass of BSScrollingList that modifies the positioning of list entries so that they are aligned to the bottom of the list container and scroll upwards, as opposed to the typical top-down scrolling.


Property Type Description
fTopY Number Represents the Y-coordinate of the topmost entry



  • BSReversedScrollingList: Initializes a new instance of the class, setting up the default top Y-coordinate to 0.

    public function BSReversedScrollingList() {
        this.fTopY = 0;


  • topmostY (getter): Returns the Y-coordinate of the topmost entry in the list.

    public function get topmostY() : Number {
        return this.fTopY;


  • PositionEntries: Overrides the BSScrollingList’s PositionEntries method to arrange the list items starting from the bottom of the list container upwards.

    override protected function PositionEntries() : * {
        var _loc4_:BSScrollingListEntry = null;
        var _loc1_:Number = 0;
        var _loc2_:Number = border.y + border.height;
        this.fTopY = _loc2_;
        var _loc3_:int = iListItemsShown - 1;
        while(_loc3_ >= 0) {
            _loc4_ = GetClipByIndex(_loc3_);
            _loc4_.y = _loc2_ - _loc1_ - _loc4_.height;
            _loc1_ = _loc1_ + (_loc4_.height + fVerticalSpacing);
            if(_loc4_.itemIndex != int.MAX_VALUE) {
                this.fTopY = _loc4_.y;

Usage Example

The BSReversedScrollingList class is designed to be used within a user interface to display list items in a reversed scroll order. Here is a simple example of how you might create an instance of this class:

var reversedScrollingList:BSReversedScrollingList = new BSReversedScrollingList();

Once instantiated, you can populate the reversedScrollingList with data and display it in your UI. The list will show items aligned to the bottom and scroll in the reverse order when the user interacts with it.