Shared As3 Bsuicomponent


The BSUIComponent class is a dynamic subclass of MovieClip that provides an interface for user interface components within the Shared ActionScript 3 (AS3) package. It includes features for platform-specific behavior, bracket drawing for visual elements, and shaded background management.

Below is the markdown documentation that provides an overview of the BSUIComponent class, its properties, and its methods.

Class Overview

package Shared.AS3 {
    public dynamic class BSUIComponent extends MovieClip {
        // ... class members and methods ...


Property Type Description
_bIsDirty Boolean Indicates whether the component needs to be redrawn.
_iPlatform Number Represents the current platform ID.
_bPS3Switch Boolean Determines whether the PS3 control scheme is active.
_bAcquiredByNativeCode Boolean Specifies if the component has been acquired by native code.
_bShowBrackets Boolean Controls the visibility of brackets around the component.
_bUseShadedBackground Boolean Determines if a shaded background should be used.
_shadedBackgroundType String Defines the type of the shaded background.
_shadedBackgroundMethod String Specifies the method used to apply the shaded background.
_bracketPair BSBracketClip An instance of BSBracketClip used to draw brackets.
_bracketLineWidth Number Defines the line width of the brackets.
_bracketCornerLength Number Sets the corner length of the brackets.
_bracketPaddingX Number The padding on the X-axis for the brackets.
_bracketPaddingY Number The padding on the Y-axis for the brackets.
_bracketStyle String The style of the brackets ("horizontal" or other).


Public Methods

  • BSUIComponent(): Constructor. Initializes the component and sets up event listeners.
  • getters and setters: For each property, there are getter and setter methods to access or update the value accordingly. Setters will flag the component as needing redraw if the value changes.
  • SetIsDirty(): Marks the component as dirty, triggering a redraw request.
  • onAcquiredByNativeCode(): Callback when the component is acquired by native code.
  • UpdateBrackets(bRedrawBrackets:Boolean): Updates and redraws the brackets if necessary.
  • onAddedToStage(): Lifecycle method called when the component is added to the stage; requests a redraw if dirty.
  • onRemovedFromStage(): Lifecycle method called when the component is removed from the stage; cleans up event listeners.
  • redrawUIComponent(): Provides an interface for subclasses to implement custom drawing code.
  • SetPlatform(aiPlatform:Number, abPS3Switch:Boolean): Updates the platform ID and PS3 switch state and marks the component as dirty.

Private Methods

  • ClearIsDirty(): Resets the dirty flag to false.
  • requestRedraw(): Requests a redraw of the component.
  • UpdateBrackets(bRedrawBrackets:Boolean): Helper to draw or clear the bracket visuals.

Event Handling

The BSUIComponent class listens for various stage events to manage its lifecycle and drawing state:

  • Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE: Sets up additional event listeners and performs initial setup.
  • Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE: Cleans up event listeners and performs any necessary teardown.
  • Event.RENDER: Invoked when the component needs to be redrawn.
  • Event.ENTER_FRAME: Used to defer drawing operations until the next frame.

Example Usage

Below is an example of how to create a BSUIComponent instance and configure some of its properties.

var myComponent:BSUIComponent = new BSUIComponent();
myComponent.bShowBrackets = true;
myComponent.bracketLineWidth = 2;
myComponent.bracketPaddingX = 5;
myComponent.bracketPaddingY = 5;

📝 Note: The actual drawing operations and any platform-specific behavior must be implemented in the redrawUIComponent() method within subclasses.