Scaleform Clik Events Sliderevent


SliderEvent is a custom event class that extends the Flash Event class. It represents events that are specifically related to slider components within the Scaleform CLIK (Common Lightweight Interface Kit) framework. This event class is typically used to notify about changes in the value of a slider.

Below is an explanation of the SliderEvent class, including its constants, properties, and methods.


Constant Type Description
VALUE_CHANGE String Identifies the event type for a value change.


Property Type Description
value Number The numeric value associated with the event. Defaults to -1 when not set.


public function SliderEvent(param1:String, param2:Boolean = false, param3:Boolean = true, param4:Number = -1)
Parameter Type Default Description
param1 String - The type of event.
param2 Boolean false Specifies whether the event can bubble up the display list.
param3 Boolean true Specifies whether the event can be canceled.
param4 Number -1 The numeric value of the slider.

Constructs a SliderEvent instance with the specified event type, bubble flag, cancelability, and slider value.

Example Usage:

var sliderEvent:SliderEvent = new SliderEvent(SliderEvent.VALUE_CHANGE, true, false, 50);



override public function clone() : Event

Creates and returns a copy of the SliderEvent instance.

Example Usage:

var clonedEvent:Event = sliderEvent.clone();


override public function toString() : String

Returns a string representation of the SliderEvent instance.

Example Usage:

var sliderEventString:String = sliderEvent.toString();

Full Code Block

package {

    public class SliderEvent extends Event {
        public static const VALUE_CHANGE:String = "valueChange";
        public var value:Number = -1;

        public function SliderEvent(param1:String, param2:Boolean = false, param3:Boolean = true, param4:Number = -1) {
            super(param1, param2, param3);
            this.value = param4;

        override public function clone() : Event {
            return new SliderEvent(type, bubbles, cancelable, this.value);

        override public function toString() : String {
            return formatToString("SliderEvent", "type", "bubbles", "cancelable", "value");

This documentation provides an overview of the SliderEvent class, including its functionality and how to use it within the context of Scaleform CLIK.