Scaleform Gfx Textfieldex


The TextFieldEx class provides an enhanced version of the TextField interactive object with additional functionalities for text fields within the Scaleform GFX framework. It extends the InteractiveObjectEx class.

Class Definition

package scaleform.gfx {
    import flash.display.BitmapData;
    import flash.text.TextField;

    public final class TextFieldEx extends InteractiveObjectEx {
        // ...


Vertical Alignment Constants:

Constant Value Description
VALIGN_NONE "none" No vertical alignment.
VALIGN_TOP "top" Align text to the top of the text field.
VALIGN_CENTER "center" Center text vertically within the text field.
VALIGN_BOTTOM "bottom" Align text to the bottom of the text field.

Text Auto Size Constants:

Constant Value Description
TEXTAUTOSZ_NONE "none" No automatic text resizing.
TEXTAUTOSZ_SHRINK "shrink" Shrink text to fit the text field without wrapping.
TEXTAUTOSZ_FIT "fit" Scale text up or down to fill the width of the text field without wrapping.

Vertical Auto Size Constants:

Constant Value Description
VAUTOSIZE_NONE "none" No vertical auto-sizing.
VAUTOSIZE_TOP "top" Auto-size starting from top of the text field.
VAUTOSIZE_CENTER "center" Auto-size with center of the text field as the anchor point.
VAUTOSIZE_BOTTOM "bottom" Auto-size starting from bottom of the text field.

Class Methods

  • appendHtml Appends HTML-formatted text to the existing text field content.
    public static function appendHtml(textField:TextField, newHtml:String) : void
  • setIMEEnabled Enables or disables the Input Method Editor (IME) for the text field.
    public static function setIMEEnabled(textField:TextField, isEnabled:Boolean) : void
  • setVerticalAlign Sets the vertical alignment of the text within the text field.
    public static function setVerticalAlign(textField:TextField, valign:String) : void
  • getVerticalAlign Retrieves the current vertical alignment setting of the text field.
    public static function getVerticalAlign(textField:TextField) : String
  • setVerticalAutoSize Sets the vertical auto-sizing behavior of the text field.
    public static function setVerticalAutoSize(textField:TextField, vautoSize:String) : void
  • getVerticalAutoSize Retrieves the current vertical auto-size setting of the text field.
    public static function getVerticalAutoSize(textField:TextField) : String
  • setTextAutoSize Sets the text auto-sizing behavior of the text field.
    public static function setTextAutoSize(textField:TextField, autoSz:String) : void
  • getTextAutoSize Retrieves the current text auto-size setting of the text field.
    public static function getTextAutoSize(textField:TextField) : String
  • setImageSubstitutions Defines image substitutions for text field placeholders.
    public static function setImageSubstitutions(textField:TextField, substInfo:Object) : void
  • updateImageSubstitution Updates a specific image substitution in the text field.
    public static function updateImageSubstitution(textField:TextField, id:String, image:BitmapData) : void
  • setNoTranslate Sets whether or not the text field should be translated.
    public static function setNoTranslate(textField:TextField, noTranslate:Boolean) : void
  • getNoTranslate Retrieves the translate setting of the text field.
    public static function getNoTranslate(textField:TextField) : Boolean
  • setBidirectionalTextEnabled Enables or disables bidirectional text in the text field.
    public static function setBidirectionalTextEnabled(textField:TextField, en:Boolean) : void
  • getBidirectionalTextEnabled Retrieves the bidirectional text setting of the text field.
    public static function getBidirectionalTextEnabled(textField:TextField) : Boolean
  • setSelectionTextColor Sets the color of the text selection.
    public static function setSelectionTextColor(textField:TextField, selColor:uint) : void
  • getSelectionTextColor Retrieves the current color of the text selection.
    public static function getSelectionTextColor(textField:TextField) : uint
  • setSelectionBkgColor Sets the background color of the text selection.
    public static function setSelectionBkgColor(textField:TextField, selColor:uint) : void
  • getSelectionBkgColor Retrieves the current background color of the text selection.
    public static function getSelectionBkgColor(textField:TextField) : uint
  • setInactiveSelectionTextColor Sets the text color of an inactive selection.
    public static function setInactiveSelectionTextColor(textField:TextField, selColor:uint) : void
  • getInactiveSelectionTextColor Retrieves the text color of an inactive selection.
    public static function getInactiveSelectionTextColor(textField:TextField) : uint
  • setInactiveSelectionBkgColor Sets the background color of an inactive text selection.
    public static function setInactiveSelectionBkgColor(textField:TextField, selColor:uint) : void
  • getInactiveSelectionBkgColor Retrieves the background color of an inactive text selection.
    public static function getInactiveSelectionBkgColor(textField:TextField) : uint

Usage Example

To set the vertical alignment of a TextField instance to the center, you can use the following code:

import scaleform.gfx.TextFieldEx;
import flash.text.TextField;

var myTextField:TextField = new TextField();
TextFieldEx.setVerticalAlign(myTextField, TextFieldEx.VALIGN_CENTER);



This documentation is for the ActionScript TextFieldEx class which is part of the Scaleform GFX library. It is used primarily within the context of video game UI development. The class methods are mainly static, which means they are called on the class itself rather than on an instance of the class.