Components Ghostbarmeter


The GhostBarMeter class is a component used to display a meter with dual fill levels—one showing the current value and another indicating a secondary ‘ghost’ value. This class is part of the Components package and extends the BSUIComponent class.

File Details

  • Filename:
  • Package: Components

Class Definition

package Components {
    import Shared.AS3.BSUIComponent;
    import flash.display.MovieClip;

    public class GhostBarMeter extends BSUIComponent {
        // Class properties
        public var Fill_mc:MovieClip;
        public var GhostFill_mc:MovieClip;

        private var _Value:Number;
        private var _GhostValue:Number;
        private var _MaxValue:Number;

        // Constructor
        public function GhostBarMeter() {
            this._Value = 0;
            this._GhostValue = 0;
            this._MaxValue = 0;

        // Public Methods
        public function SetMeter(param1:Number, param2:Number, param3:Number) : * {
            this._Value = param1;
            this._GhostValue = param2;
            this._MaxValue = param3;

        // Override methods
        override public function redrawUIComponent() : void {
            if(this.Fill_mc != null) {
                this.Fill_mc.visible = this._Value > 0 && this._MaxValue > 0;
                if(this.Fill_mc.visible) {
                    this.Fill_mc.width = this._Value / this._MaxValue * (this.width / this.scaleX);

            if(this.GhostFill_mc != null) {
                this.GhostFill_mc.visible = this._GhostValue > 0 && this._MaxValue > 0;
                if(this.GhostFill_mc.visible) {
                    this.GhostFill_mc.width = this._GhostValue / this._MaxValue * (this.width / this.scaleX);


Property Type Description
Fill_mc MovieClip The MovieClip representing the primary fill of the meter.
GhostFill_mc MovieClip The MovieClip representing the secondary ‘ghost’ fill of the meter.
_Value Number The current value of the meter.
_GhostValue Number The current ‘ghost’ value of the meter.
_MaxValue Number The maximum value of the meter.



Initializes the GhostBarMeter component with default values of 0 for _Value, _GhostValue, and _MaxValue.

Public Methods

SetMeter(param1:Number, param2:Number, param3:Number): *

Sets the values for the meter.

  • param1: The new value to set for the primary fill.
  • param2: The new value to set for the ghost fill.
  • param3: The maximum value of the meter.

The method marks the UI component as dirty, which means it should redraw in the next frame.

Override Methods

redrawUIComponent(): void

Redraws the meter UI component. It updates the visibility and width of Fill_mc and GhostFill_mc based on _Value, _GhostValue, and _MaxValue. This method is called whenever the component needs to be visually updated.


To use the GhostBarMeter component, create an instance of the class, and then call SetMeter to update the values. The component will automatically update its visual representation on the screen.

👻 This documentation provides a detailed look at the GhostBarMeter ActionScript component. It outlines the purpose, properties, constructor, and public methods clearly, using a combination of tables, code blocks, lists, and bold text for emphasis.