Scaleform Clik Events Indexevent


The IndexEvent class extends the class and is part of the package. IndexEvent is designed to handle index-based events within the Scaleform CLIK (Common Lightweight Interface Kit) framework, which is often used for UI components in games.

Class Definition

package {

    public class IndexEvent extends Event {
        // ...class definition...


Constant Type Description
INDEX_CHANGE String Represents the index change event type.
public static const INDEX_CHANGE:String = "clikIndexChange";


Property Type Default Description
index int -1 The current index related to the event.
lastIndex int -1 The previous index before the change.
data Object null Additional data associated with the event.


public function IndexEvent(param1:String, param2:Boolean = false, param3:Boolean = true, param4:int = -1, param5:int = -1, param6:Object = null) {
    super(param1, param2, param3);
    this.index = param4;
    this.lastIndex = param5; = param6;


  • param1 (String): The type of the event.
  • param2 (Boolean, optional): Whether the event can bubble up the display list or not. Default is false.
  • param3 (Boolean, optional): Whether the event can be canceled. Default is true.

The additional parameters are for the properties of the IndexEvent:

  • param4 (int, optional): Represents the current index. Default is -1.
  • param5 (int, optional): Represents the previous index. Default is -1.
  • param6 (Object, optional): Additional data that may accompany the event. Default is null.



override public function clone() : Event {
    return new IndexEvent(type, bubbles, cancelable, this.index, this.lastIndex,;

Returns a copy of the IndexEvent instance.


override public function toString() : String {
    return formatToString("IndexEvent", "type", "bubbles", "cancelable", "index", "lastIndex", "data");

Returns a string representation of the IndexEvent instance.

Usage Example

var indexChange:Event = new IndexEvent(IndexEvent.INDEX_CHANGE, true, false, 2, 1, { info: "Sample Data" });

In the example above, an IndexEvent is created with the following parameters:

  • Event type as IndexEvent.INDEX_CHANGE
  • Bubbling set to true
  • Cancelable set to false
  • Current index set to 2
  • Last index set to 1
  • Additional data provided as an Object

The event is then dispatched to notify listeners about an index change, potentially within a list component or similar interface element.

👉 Note: The IndexEvent class is specific to the Scaleform CLIK framework and is not a standard part of ActionScript 3 or Flash.


The IndexEvent class is an essential part of any Scaleform CLIK application that requires handling index changes. It extends the core Event class and adds specific properties and functionality to work seamlessly within the CLIK framework, providing an interface for event-driven index management.