Shared As3 Companionapp Mobilequantitymenu


MobileQuantityMenu is a custom quantity selection component designed for use in companion apps. It extends the QuantityMenuNEW class to provide a user interface for selecting a quantity value using slider and button controls.


  • Customizable quantity slider (sliderCLIK)
  • Increment (plusCLIK) and decrement (minusCLIK) buttons
  • Dynamic updating of UI elements based on the current value
  • Dispatches an event (QUANTITY_CHANGED) when the quantity changes

Code Structure

package Shared.AS3.COMPANIONAPP {
    // ... imports ...

    public class MobileQuantityMenu extends QuantityMenuNEW {
        // ... code ...


Property Type Description
sliderCLIK Slider The slider control for adjusting the quantity.
minusCLIK Button The button control to decrement the quantity.
plusCLIK Button The button control to increment the quantity.
_currentCount uint The current selected quantity value.
_maxCount uint The maximum quantity value that can be selected.


MobileQuantityMenu (Constructor)

Initializes the MobileQuantityMenu with a maximum quantity.

public function MobileQuantityMenu(param1:uint) {
    // ... constructor code ...


Sets up slider and button controls when added to the stage.

override public function onAddedToStage() : void {
    // ... method code ...


Updates the current count when the slider value changes.

private function onSliderValueChange(param1:SliderEvent) : void {
    // ... method code ...


Decrements the slider value when the minus button is clicked.

private function onMinusClick(param1:ButtonEvent) : void {
    // ... method code ...


Increments the slider value when the plus button is clicked.

private function onPlusClick(param1:ButtonEvent) : void {
    // ... method code ...


Updates the visual state of the slider based on its current value.

protected function updateSliderVisual() : void {
    // ... method code ...

count (getter and setter)

Gets or sets the current count. Dispatches QUANTITY_CHANGED event on change.

override public function get count() : uint {
    // ... getter code ...

override public function set count(param1:uint) : * {
    // ... setter code ...


Redraws the UI components of the quantity menu.

override public function redrawUIComponent() : void {
    // ... method code ...


Processes user events (currently not implemented).

override public function ProcessUserEvent(param1:String, param2:Boolean) : Boolean {
    // ... method code ...

Component Setup Functions

These functions set up the slider and button components with initial properties.

  • __setProp_sliderCLIK_MobileQuantityMenu_CLIKSlider_0
  • __setProp_minusCLIK_MobileQuantityMenu_arrows_0
  • __setProp_plusCLIK_MobileQuantityMenu_arrows_0


To use MobileQuantityMenu, instantiate it with the maximum quantity, then add it to the stage. Interact with the slider or buttons to adjust the quantity, and listen for the QUANTITY_CHANGED event to handle changes.

var quantityMenu:MobileQuantityMenu = new MobileQuantityMenu(10);
quantityMenu.addEventListener(MobileQuantityMenu.QUANTITY_CHANGED, onQuantityChanged);

function onQuantityChanged(event:CustomEvent):void {
    // Handle quantity change

Event Constants

Event Constant Value Description
QUANTITY_CHANGED “QuantityChanged” Dispatched when the quantity value changes.

Note: Replace onQuantityChanged with your own event handler function.