Scaleform Clik Constants Constrainmode


The file contains a class that provides constants for different constraint modes in the Scaleform CLIK (Common Lightweight Interface Kit) library. Below is the detailed documentation of the ConstrainMode class, which is part of the scaleform.clik.constants package.

Class Definition

package scaleform.clik.constants {
    public class ConstrainMode {
        public static const COUNTER_SCALE:String = "counterScale";
        public static const REFLOW:String = "reflow";

        public function ConstrainMode() {


The ConstrainMode class defines the following static constants:

Constant Type Description
COUNTER_SCALE String A mode that applies counter scaling to the constrained display object.
REFLOW String A mode that causes the constrained display object to reflow.

Usage Example

To utilize these constants, you would typically access them through the class name, as they are static properties of the ConstrainMode class. Below is an example of how to use these constants in your code:

import scaleform.clik.constants.ConstrainMode;

function setConstraintMode(mode:String):void {
    switch (mode) {
        case ConstrainMode.COUNTER_SCALE:
            // Implementation for counter scale mode
        case ConstrainMode.REFLOW:
            // Implementation for reflow mode
            throw new Error("Invalid constraint mode");

Note: The ConstrainMode class does not contain any instance methods or properties, except for its constructor. Since the constructor does not perform any specific action other than calling super(), it is not common to instantiate this class. The primary use of ConstrainMode is to access its static constants.