Scaleform Clik Events Focushandlerevent

FocusHandlerEvent is an ActionScript class within the package. It is designed to handle focus events in a Scaleform CLIK context, extending the native Flash Event class with additional functionality specific to focus management.

Class Definition

package {

    public final class FocusHandlerEvent extends Event {
        // Class body


Public Static Constants:

Constant Type Description Value
FOCUS_IN String Event type for focus in. “CLIK_focusIn”
FOCUS_OUT String Event type for focus out. “CLIK_focusOut”

Public Variables:

Variable Type Description
controllerIdx uint The index of the controller. Default is 0.



Creates an instance of the FocusHandlerEvent class.

public function FocusHandlerEvent(param1:String, param2:Boolean = true, param3:Boolean = false, param4:uint = 0) {
    this.controllerIdx = param4;


Parameter Type Description Default Value
param1 String The type of the event. -
param2 Boolean Whether the event can bubble up the display list. true
param3 Boolean Whether the event can be canceled. false
param4 uint The index of the controller. 0


Creates a new FocusHandlerEvent instance that is a clone of the original instance.

override public function clone() : Event {
    return new FocusHandlerEvent(type,bubbles,cancelable,this.controllerIdx);


Returns a string that contains all the properties of the FocusHandlerEvent object.

override public function toString() : String {
    return formatToString("FocusHandlerEvent","type","bubbles","cancelable","controllerIdx");

Event Types

  • FOCUS_IN 🟢: Indicates that an object has gained focus.
  • FOCUS_OUT 🔴: Indicates that an object has lost focus.

This documentation provides a comprehensive overview of the FocusHandlerEvent class and its usage within the Scaleform CLIK framework. The class is marked as final, indicating that it cannot be extended.