Scaleform Clik Managers Inputdelegate


The InputDelegate class is part of the scaleform.clik.managers package, which is used to manage input events in Scaleform user interfaces, commonly used in video game development. The InputDelegate class is designed to handle keyboard input and dispatch custom input events within the Scaleform CLIK framework.

File Overview


Class Definition

public class InputDelegate extends EventDispatcher

The InputDelegate class extends the EventDispatcher class to allow for event handling functionality.


Property Type Description
instance InputDelegate A static instance of the InputDelegate. This is used to implement a singleton.
MAX_KEY_CODES uint (static const) The maximum number of keycodes supported by the delegate.
KEY_PRESSED uint (static const) A static constant indicating a key is pressed.
KEY_SUPRESSED uint (static const) A static constant indicating a key is suppressed.
stage Stage The Stage object where the input will be captured.
externalInputHandler Function A callback function for handling external input.
keyHash Array A protected array used to track the state of keys.


public function InputDelegate()

The constructor initializes the keyHash array.



public static function getInstance() : InputDelegate

Returns the singleton instance of the InputDelegate.


public function initialize(param1:Stage) : void

Initializes the InputDelegate with a given Stage object and sets up event listeners for key down and key up events.


public function setKeyRepeat(param1:Number, param2:Boolean, param3:uint = 0) : void

Sets or clears the suppression of the repeat event for a particular key.


public function inputToNav(param1:String, param2:Number, param3:Boolean = false, param4:* = null) : String

Converts keyboard input to navigation codes based on the param1 input type, param2 key code, param3 shift key status, and param4 additional information.


public function readInput(param1:String, param2:int, param3:Function) : Object

A placeholder for reading inputs. Returns null.


protected function handleKeyDown(param1:KeyboardEvent) : void

Handles the key down events and processes key presses accordingly.


protected function handleKeyUp(param1:KeyboardEvent) : void

Handles the key up events and updates the key state in the keyHash.


protected function handleKeyPress(param1:String, param2:Number, param3:Number, param4:Boolean, param5:Boolean, param6:Boolean) : void

Processes a key press event and dispatches an InputEvent with the relevant input details.

Example Usage

// Retrieve the InputDelegate instance
var inputDelegate:InputDelegate = InputDelegate.getInstance();

// Initialize the input delegate with a stage reference

// Set up an external input handler function
inputDelegate.externalInputHandler = function(inputType:String, keyCode:Number, additional:*):String {
    // Custom input handling logic here
    return null;

The InputDelegate class is an essential part of handling user input within the Scaleform CLIK framework, enabling smooth and consistent input management across a Scaleform UI application.