Shared As3 Listfilterer


The ListFilterer class is part of the Shared.AS3 package and is used to manage and apply filters to lists. It extends the EventDispatcher class from the Flash API, allowing it to dispatch events when the filter changes.

Class Definition

package Shared.AS3 {

    public class ListFilterer extends EventDispatcher {
        // ...


Name Value Description
FILTER_CHANGE "ListFilterer::filter_change" The event type dispatched when the filter changes


  • itemFilter (int): The current item filter value.
  • filterArray (Array): The array of items to be filtered.


  • Constructor: Initializes the ListFilterer with a default item filter value of 4294967295.
public function ListFilterer() {
    this.iItemFilter = 4294967295;
  • get itemFilter: Returns the current item filter value.
public function get itemFilter() : int {
    return this.iItemFilter;
  • set itemFilter: Sets a new item filter value and dispatches a FILTER_CHANGE event if it is different from the previous one.
public function set itemFilter(aiNewFilter:int) : * {
    var bdifferent:* = this.iItemFilter != aiNewFilter;
    this.iItemFilter = aiNewFilter;
    if(bdifferent == true) {
        dispatchEvent(new Event(FILTER_CHANGE,true,true));
  • get filterArray: Gets the current filter array.
public function get filterArray() : Array {
    return this._filterArray;
  • set filterArray: Sets a new filter array.
public function set filterArray(aNewArray:Array) : * {
    this._filterArray = aNewArray;
  • EntryMatchesFilter: Checks if a given entry matches the current filter.
public function EntryMatchesFilter(aEntry:Object) : Boolean {
    return aEntry != null && (!aEntry.hasOwnProperty("filterFlag") || (aEntry.filterFlag & this.iItemFilter) != 0);
  • GetPrevFilterMatch: Finds the previous index in the filter array that matches the filter starting from a given index.
public function GetPrevFilterMatch(aiStartIndex:int) : int {
    // Implementation
  • GetNextFilterMatch: Finds the next index in the filter array that matches the filter starting from a given index.
public function GetNextFilterMatch(aiStartIndex:int) : int {
    // Implementation
  • ClampIndex: Adjusts the given index to ensure it matches the filter.
public function ClampIndex(aiStartIndex:int) : int {
    // Implementation
  • IsFilterEmpty: Checks if the filter would return any matches.
public function IsFilterEmpty(aiFilter:int) : Boolean {
    // Implementation


  • FILTER_CHANGE: Dispatched when the filter is updated to a new value.

Usage Examples

To use the ListFilterer, you would typically instantiate an instance of the class and then use its methods to manage item filters for a list, dispatching events upon changes to allow for reactive UI updates or other functionality.

var listFilterer:ListFilterer = new ListFilterer();
listFilterer.itemFilter = someFilterValue; // Set a filter
listFilterer.addEventListener(ListFilterer.FILTER_CHANGE, onFilterChange);

function onFilterChange(event:Event):void {
    // Handle the filter change

This class is especially helpful in applications where you need to dynamically filter lists according to user input or other criteria.