Scaleform Clik Utils Weakreference


The WeakReference class provides a mechanism to hold a reference to an object without preventing the object from being collected by the garbage collector. This can be particularly useful when you want to keep a reference to an object without affecting its lifecycle.


Class WeakReference

Table of Contents


Property Type Description
_dictionary Dictionary The internal dictionary holding the weak reference to the object.


public function WeakReference(param1:Object)

Constructs a WeakReference instance that holds a weak reference to the specified object.

  • param1:Object - The object to which this WeakReference instance will refer.
Code Example
public function WeakReference(param1:Object) {
    this._dictionary = new Dictionary(true);
    this._dictionary[param1] = 1;


public function get value() : Object

Returns the object to which this weak reference refers, or null if the object has been garbage collected.

  • Object - The referenced object or null.
Code Example
public function get value() : Object {
    var _loc1_:* = null;
    for(_loc1_ in this._dictionary) {
        return _loc1_;
    return null;

Usage Example

var myObject:Object = new Object();
var weakRef:WeakReference = new WeakReference(myObject);

var referencedObject:Object = weakRef.value;
if (referencedObject) {
    // Do something with the referenced object
} else {
    // The object has been garbage collected

The WeakReference class provides an easy way to keep a reference that does not interfere with garbage collection, which can be very useful in avoiding memory leaks in your applications, especially when dealing with listeners and callbacks.