Scaleform Clik Controls Slider

Slider is a code file containing the definition for a customizable Slider control, which is a user interface component within the Scaleform CLIK (Common Lightweight Interface Kit) framework. The component allows users to select a value by moving a slider thumb along a track. This control is typically used for adjusting settings like volume or brightness.

Below is the detailed documentation for the Slider class, including its properties, methods, and events.

Table of Contents

Class Overview

package scaleform.clik.controls {
    import scaleform.clik.core.UIComponent;

    public class Slider extends UIComponent {

The Slider class extends the UIComponent class from the Scaleform CLIK framework.

Public Variables

Variable Type Description Default Value
liveDragging Boolean Enables live update of value during drag. true
state String Represents the current state of the slider. "default"
offsetLeft Number Left offset for the thumb position. 0
offsetRight Number Right offset for the thumb position. 0
thumb Button Reference to the slider’s thumb button.  
track Button Reference to the slider’s track button.  

Protected Variables

Variable Type Description
_minimum Number The minimum value of the slider.
_maximum Number The maximum value of the slider.
_value Number The current value of the slider.
_snapInterval Number The interval at which the slider snaps.
_snapping Boolean Whether the snapping feature is enabled.
_dragOffset Object The offset of the drag operation.
_trackDragMouseIndex Number Mouse index when the track is being dragged.
_trackPressed Boolean Indicates if the track button is pressed.
_thumbPressed Boolean Indicates if the thumb button is pressed.

Public Methods


Constructor for the Slider class.

Getters and Setters

  • enabled (Boolean)
    • getter: Returns the enabled state of the slider.
    • setter: Sets the slider’s enabled state and propagates to child components.
  • focusable (Boolean)
    • getter: Returns whether the slider can receive focus.
    • setter: Sets the focusable state.
  • value (Number)
    • getter: Returns the current value of the slider.
    • setter: Sets the slider’s value, clamping it within minimum and maximum bounds.
  • maximum (Number)
    • getter: Returns the maximum value of the slider.
    • setter: Sets the maximum value of the slider.
  • minimum (Number)
    • getter: Returns the minimum value of the slider.
    • setter: Sets the minimum value of the slider.
  • position (Number)
    • getter: Returns the same value as the value getter.
    • setter: Directly sets the value without clamping or dispatching the change event.
  • snapping (Boolean)
    • getter: Returns whether snapping is enabled.
    • setter: Sets the snapping property and invalidates the SETTINGS.
  • snapInterval (Number)
    • getter: Returns the snap interval.
    • setter: Sets the snap interval and invalidates the SETTINGS.


Invalidates the slider’s settings, causing a redraw on the next frame.


Handles input events for the slider, adjusting the value based on key navigation.


Returns a string representation of the Slider instance.

Protected Methods


Configures the UI components of the slider.


Draws the slider’s components and updates their states.


Changes the focus state of the slider.


Updates the thumb’s position based on the current value.


Begins the drag operation for the thumb.


Continues the drag operation and updates the slider’s value.


Ends the drag operation and dispatches the value change event if liveDragging is set to false.


Handles the press event on the track, updating the slider’s value accordingly.


Locks the value within the minimum and maximum bounds and applies snapping if enabled.


Handles mouse wheel scrolling to adjust the slider’s value.


  • SliderEvent.VALUE_CHANGE
    • Dispatched when the value of the slider changes.

NOTE: In the actual code, some methods are marked as override and implement or extend functionality provided by the UIComponent class.

Example Usage

import scaleform.clik.controls.Slider;

var mySlider:Slider = new Slider();
mySlider.minimum = 0;
mySlider.maximum = 100;
mySlider.snapInterval = 5;

mySlider.addEventListener(SliderEvent.VALUE_CHANGE, onSliderChange);

function onSliderChange(event:SliderEvent):void {
    trace("Slider value changed to: " + event.value);

📘 Please note: This documentation assumes familiarity with AS3 (ActionScript 3) and Scaleform CLIK components. The actual behavior and integration of the Slider component might require additional context regarding its environment and use within a user interface system, such as a game’s UI.