Components Itemcard_multientry


The file is part of the Components package and contains the ItemCard_MultiEntry class, which extends ItemCard_Entry. This class manages multiple entries for an item card, such as displaying damage or armor ratings for various conditions. Below is a detailed markdown documentation of the ItemCard_MultiEntry class.

Class: ItemCard_MultiEntry

The ItemCard_MultiEntry class is responsible for populating and managing the display of multiple properties of an entry within an item card.


Property Name Type Description
DMG_WEAP_ID String (const) Identifier for weapon damage.
DMG_ARMO_ID String (const) Identifier for armor damage resistance.
EntryHolder_mc MovieClip MovieClip to hold individual entry elements.
Background_mc MovieClip MovieClip for the background of all entries.
currY Number Tracks the current Y position for entry placement.
ENTRY_SPACING Number (const) The spacing between individual entries.

Constructor: ItemCard_MultiEntry()

The constructor initializes the class instance and sets the starting Y position for entries.

public function ItemCard_MultiEntry() {
    this.currY = 0;


IsEntryValid(aEntryObj:Object): Boolean

Static method that checks if an entry is valid based on its value and type.

public static function IsEntryValid(aEntryObj:Object) : Boolean {
    return aEntryObj.value > 0 || ShouldShowDifference(aEntryObj) && aEntryObj.text == DMG_ARMO_ID;

PopulateMultiEntry(aInfoObj:Array, aPropName:String): *

Populates the EntryHolder_mc with multiple entry values based on the provided information object array.

public function PopulateMultiEntry(aInfoObj:Array, aPropName:String) : * {
    // ... method implementation ...

Example Usage

To use the ItemCard_MultiEntry class, you would create an instance of it and call the PopulateMultiEntry method with the appropriate arguments.

var itemCardMultiEntry:ItemCard_MultiEntry = new ItemCard_MultiEntry();
itemCardMultiEntry.PopulateMultiEntry(infoArray, "propertyName");

📝 Note

  • DMG_WEAP_ID and DMG_ARMO_ID are the identifiers for weapon and armor properties respectively.
  • currY starts at 0 and is manipulated within PopulateMultiEntry to properly layout the entries.
  • ENTRY_SPACING is a constant value for the spacing between entries.

🔍 Search Tags: ItemCard, MultiEntry, Component, AS3, Flash, UI Component