Components Itemcard_multientry_value


The ItemCard_MultiEntry_Value class is an ActionScript file that is part of a package named Components. This class extends the ItemCard_Entry class and includes an additional member, Icon_mc, which is a MovieClip object.

Table of Contents

Class Overview

The ItemCard_MultiEntry_Value class is designed to represent a specific type of item card entry that includes an icon along with the base features provided by its superclass ItemCard_Entry.

package Components {
    import flash.display.MovieClip;

    public class ItemCard_MultiEntry_Value extends ItemCard_Entry {
        public var Icon_mc:MovieClip;

        public function ItemCard_MultiEntry_Value() {


This class includes the following public member:

Member Type Description
Icon_mc MovieClip A MovieClip object that represents the icon associated with the item card entry.


The ItemCard_MultiEntry_Value class has a constructor that calls the superclass (ItemCard_Entry) constructor.

public function ItemCard_MultiEntry_Value() {

This constructor does not accept any parameters and is used to initialize the ItemCard_MultiEntry_Value object.


To use the ItemCard_MultiEntry_Value class, you need to create an instance of this class in your ActionScript code. This can be done as follows:

var itemCardValue:ItemCard_MultiEntry_Value = new ItemCard_MultiEntry_Value();

Once instantiated, you can access and manipulate the Icon_mc MovieClip as needed to represent the desired icon in your item card entry.


itemCardValue.Icon_mc = someMovieClipInstance;  // Assign a MovieClip to the Icon_mc property

📝 Note: To effectively use this class, you will need to have a firm understanding of ActionScript, MovieClip manipulation, and the inheritance principles used in object-oriented programming.