Shared As3 Bsbuttonhint


The BSButtonHint class is a dynamic component in the Shared.AS3 package used to display button hints in a user interface. This class extends BSUIComponent and provides functionality to handle the display and behavior of button hints based on user interaction.

Below you will find a comprehensive documentation of the BSButtonHint class.

Table of Contents

Class Overview

package Shared.AS3 {
    public dynamic class BSButtonHint extends BSUIComponent {
        // ... class implementation ...

Public Variables

Variable Type Description
textField_tf TextField The primary text field for the button hint.
IconHolderInstance MovieClip The container for the primary button icon.
SecondaryIconHolderInstance MovieClip The container for the secondary button icon.

Private Variables

Variable Type Description
_hitArea Sprite A sprite representing the hit area for mouse interactions.
DynamicMovieClip MovieClip A movie clip that can be dynamically loaded based on button data.
bButtonFlashing Boolean Flag to control button flash animation.
_strCurrentDynamicMovieClipName String Name of the current dynamic movie clip.
_DyanmicMovieHeight Number Height of the dynamic movie clip.
_DynamicMovieY Number The Y position of the dynamic movie clip.
_buttonHintData BSButtonHintData Data model for the button hint.


The constructor initializes the button hint component.

public function BSButtonHint() {
    // ... constructor implementation ...

Public Methods

Setters and Getters

The following methods are used to set and get properties of the button hint:

Method Returns Description
set ButtonHintData void Sets the data model for the button hint.
get PCKey String Returns the PC key representation for the primary button.
get SecondaryPCKey String Returns the PC key representation for the secondary button.
get ControllerButton String Returns the controller button representation for the primary button.
get SecondaryControllerButton String Returns the controller button representation for the secondary button.
get ButtonText String Returns the text for the button hint.
get Justification uint Returns the justification setting for the text.
get ButtonDisabled Boolean Returns whether the primary button is disabled.
get SecondaryButtonDisabled Boolean Returns whether the secondary button is disabled.
get AllButtonsDisabled Boolean Returns whether all buttons (primary and secondary) are disabled.
get ButtonVisible Boolean Returns whether the button is visible.
get UseDynamicMovieClip Boolean Returns whether a dynamic movie clip should be used.
set bButtonPressed void Sets whether the button is pressed.
get bButtonPressed Boolean Returns whether the button is pressed.
set bMouseOver void Sets whether the mouse is over the button.
get bMouseOver Boolean Returns whether the mouse is over the button.

Event Handlers

Event handlers manage user interactions:

Method Returns Description
onTextClick void Called when the text is clicked.
onMouseOver void Called when the mouse hovers over the component.
onMouseOut void Called when the mouse leaves the component.

Redrawing Methods

Methods that redraw the UI components:

Method Returns Description
redrawUIComponent void Redraws the entire button hint UI component.
SetFlashing void Sets the flashing animation state for the button.

Private Methods

Private methods handle internal operations such as updating text fields and redrawing specific elements.


  • MouseEvent.CLICK: Invoked when the text click occurs.
  • MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER: Invoked when the mouse hovers over the component.
  • MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT: Invoked when the mouse leaves the component.
  • BSButtonHintData.BUTTON_HINT_DATA_CHANGE: Listens for changes in the button hint data model.


The class contains constants to control the appearance and behavior:

Constant Type Description
DISABLED_GREY_OUT_ALPHA Number The alpha value used to grey out disabled buttons.
JUSTIFY_RIGHT uint Enumerator for right justification.
JUSTIFY_LEFT uint Enumerator for left justification.
DYNAMIC_MOVIE_CLIP_BUFFER int The buffer space used around dynamic movie clips.
NameToTextMap Object A mapping of names to text representations for buttons.

Code Example

var buttonHint:BSButtonHint = new BSButtonHint();
buttonHint.ButtonHintData = new BSButtonHintData();
// ... further configuration ...

This documentation provides a detailed insight into the BSButtonHint class, which is part of the user interface system in the Shared.AS3 package, showcasing its methods, variables, and functionality. 📘