Scaleform Clik Ui Inputdetails


This documentation provides a detailed overview of the InputDetails class found within the scaleform.clik.ui package.

The InputDetails class represents the details of a user’s input and provides a structure for storing and retrieving information about specific interactions.

Class Definition

The InputDetails class is defined as follows:

package scaleform.clik.ui {
    public class InputDetails {
        public var type:String;
        public var code:Number;
        public var value;
        public var navEquivalent:String;
        public var controllerIndex:uint;
        public var ctrlKey:Boolean;
        public var altKey:Boolean;
        public var shiftKey:Boolean;

        public function InputDetails(param1:String, param2:Number, param3:*, param4:String = null, param5:uint = 0, param6:Boolean = false, param7:Boolean = false, param8:Boolean = false) {
            this.type = param1;
            this.code = param2;
            this.value = param3;
            this.navEquivalent = param4;
            this.controllerIndex = param5;
            this.ctrlKey = param6;
            this.altKey = param7;
            this.shiftKey = param8;

        public function toString() : String {
            return "[InputDetails code=" + this.code + ", type=" + this.type + " value=" + this.value + ", navEquivalent=" + this.navEquivalent + ", controllerIndex=" + this.controllerIndex + ", ctrlKey=" + this.ctrlKey + ", altKey=" + this.altKey + ", shiftKey=" + this.shiftKey + "]";


The InputDetails class contains the following properties:

Property Type Description
type String The type of input, such as “keyDown” or “keyUp”.
code Number The numerical code representing the specific key or button.
value * The value associated with the input.
navEquivalent String A string corresponding to the navigation action.
controllerIndex uint The index of the controller from which the input originated.
ctrlKey Boolean Indicates whether the Ctrl key was pressed.
altKey Boolean Indicates whether the Alt key was pressed.
shiftKey Boolean Indicates whether the Shift key was pressed.


The constructor of the InputDetails class:

public function InputDetails(param1:String,
                             param4:String = null,
                             param5:uint = 0,
                             param6:Boolean = false,
                             param7:Boolean = false,
                             param8:Boolean = false)


  • param1: The type of input (e.g., “keyDown”, “keyUp”).
  • param2: The code of the key or button pressed.
  • param3: The value associated with the input.
  • param4 (optional): The navigation equivalent, which defaults to null.
  • param5 (optional): The controller index, which defaults to 0.
  • param6 (optional): The ctrl key indicator, which defaults to false.
  • param7 (optional): The alt key indicator, which defaults to false.
  • param8 (optional): The shift key indicator, which defaults to false.



This method overrides the default toString method to provide a string representation of the InputDetails instance.

public function toString() : String

Usage Example

var inputDetail:InputDetails = new InputDetails("keyDown", 13, null, "ENTER", 0, true, false, false);
trace(inputDetail.toString()); // Outputs: [InputDetails code=13, type=keyDown value=null, navEquivalent=ENTER, controllerIndex=0, ctrlKey=true, altKey=false, shiftKey=false]

📝 Notes

  • The toString method can be particularly useful for debugging purposes to quickly inspect the state of an InputDetails object.
  • The value property type is unspecified (*), allowing it to hold any type of data relevant to the input event.