Scaleform Clik Managers Popupmanager


The PopUpManager class is part of the scaleform.clik.managers package. It is responsible for managing pop-up elements within the user interface, such as dialogs and modal windows.

This documentation outlines the functionality provided by the PopUpManager class.

Table of Contents

PopUpManager Class Overview


The PopUpManager class includes methods to initialize the pop-up systems, display pop-ups, show modal windows, and handle the removal of pop-ups.

Tables of Properties and Methods:

Type Name Description
Property initialized A Boolean indicating whether the manager has been initialized.
Property _stage Holds a reference to the Stage object.
Property _defaultPopupCanvas A MovieClip which acts as the default container for pop-ups.
Property _modalMc A Sprite that represents the currently active modal pop-up.
Property _modalBg A Sprite that represents the background of the modal pop-up.
Method init Initializes the PopUpManager with a given Stage object.
Method show Displays a DisplayObject as a pop-up on the stage.
Method showModal Displays a Sprite as a modal dialog on the stage.
Method handleStageAddedEvent A protected method that ensures the pop-up canvas is always on top.
Method handleRemovePopup A protected method to clean up after a pop-up is removed.
Method handleRemoveModalMc A protected method to clean up after a modal pop-up is removed.
Method removeAddedToStageListener A protected method to remove stage added event listeners.

Public Methods


Initializes the pop-up manager with the specified stage.

public static function init(param1:Stage) : void


Displays the given DisplayObject as a pop-up.

public static function show(param1:DisplayObject, param2:Number = 0, param3:Number = 0, param4:DisplayObjectContainer = null) : void


Displays the given Sprite as a modal pop-up window.

public static function showModal(param1:Sprite, param2:Number = 0, param3:Number = 0, param4:Sprite = null, param5:uint = 0, param6:Sprite = null) : void

Protected Methods


Ensures that the pop-up canvas is the topmost display object on the stage.

protected static function handleStageAddedEvent(param1:Event) : void


Handles the removal of a pop-up from the stage.

protected static function handleRemovePopup(param1:Event) : void


Handles the removal of a modal pop-up, cleaning up its components.

protected static function handleRemoveModalMc(param1:Event) : void


Removes the event listener for stage additions when there are no more pop-ups.

protected static function removeAddedToStageListener() : void

Usage Example

Initialization of PopUpManager:

Before using the PopUpManager, it must be initialized with a reference to the application’s stage.


Displaying a Pop-Up:

To display a DisplayObject as a pop-up, call the show method.

var myPopUp:DisplayObject = new MyCustomPopUpClass();, xPosition, yPosition);

Displaying a Modal Pop-Up:

To display a modal window, use the showModal method.

var myModal:Sprite = new MyModalClass();
PopUpManager.showModal(myModal, xPosition, yPosition);

đź’ˇ Note: The PopUpManager must be properly initialized before attempting to display any pop-ups or modal windows.