Scaleform Clik Controls Buttongroup


ButtonGroup is a class used within the Scaleform CLIK (Common Lightweight Interface Kit) framework.

This class manages a group of buttons, allowing for the tracking and control of states such as which button is selected. It extends the EventDispatcher to provide event-driven functionality to the button group.

Class Definition

package scaleform.clik.controls {
    import flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer;
    import flash.utils.Dictionary;

    public class ButtonGroup extends EventDispatcher {

Properties and Methods

Property/Method Type Description
groups Dictionary (static) A dictionary to hold instances of ButtonGroup objects.
name String The name of the ButtonGroup instance.
selectedButton Button The currently selected button in the group.
length uint, getter Returns the number of buttons in the group.
data Object, getter Returns the data of the selected button.
selectedIndex int, getter Returns the index of the selected button.
scope DisplayObjectContainer, getter Returns scope of the ButtonGroup instance.
ButtonGroup() Constructor Initializes a new ButtonGroup instance.
getGroup() ButtonGroup, static Returns a ButtonGroup instance for the specified name and scope.
addButton() void Adds a button to the group.
removeButton() void Removes a button from the group.
getButtonAt() Button Returns the button at the specified index.
setSelectedButtonByIndex() Boolean Selects a button by its index.
clearSelectedButton() void Clears the currently selected button.
hasButton() Boolean Checks if a button is in the group.
toString() String, override Returns a string representation of the ButtonGroup.

Event Handling Methods (Protected)

Method Description
handleSelect() Handles the selection of a button within the group.
updateSelectedButton() Updates the currently selected button.
handleClick() Dispatches a click event from a button.
handleRemoved() Removes a button from the group when it is removed from the display list.

Code Example Usage

Creating a ButtonGroup Instance

var myButtonGroup:ButtonGroup = new ButtonGroup("group1", myDisplayObjectContainer);

Adding a Button to the Group

var myButton:Button = new Button();

Selecting a Button by Index

myButtonGroup.setSelectedButtonByIndex(0); // Selects the first button in the group

Handling Button Selection Changes

myButtonGroup.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, function(e:Event):void {
    trace("Selected button changed!");


The ButtonGroup class dispatches the following events:

  • Event.CHANGE: Dispatched when the selected button in the group changes.
  • ButtonEvent.CLICK: Re-dispatches the click event from any button in the group.


  • A ButtonGroup is identified by its name property and its scope within a DisplayObjectContainer.
  • The groups dictionary uses weak references to allow for proper garbage collection.

Emojis Legend

  • 🔧 - Method or Action
  • 📦 - Property or Member
  • 🎉 - Constructor
  • 📚 - Event


The ButtonGroup class is a utility for managing button states within a group, providing a streamlined approach to handling user interactions with a collection of buttons in the Scaleform CLIK environment.