Shared As3 Quantitymenu


The QuantityMenu class, located in the file, is an ActionScript 3 class that extends the MovieClip class from the flash.display package. This class is responsible for managing a quantity menu, which allows users to adjust the quantity of an item, typically within a user interface for a game or similar application.


  • Open and close the quantity menu interface
  • Scroll through quantities using keyboard or mouse input
  • Dynamically adjust the visible menu elements based on content


Constant Type Description
QUANTITY_CHANGED String Event name for when the quantity has been changed.
CONFIRM String Event name for when the quantity is confirmed.
INV_MAX_NUM_BEFORE_QUANTITY_MENU uint The max number of items before the quantity menu is needed.


Property Type Description
Label_tf TextField The text field for the label.
Value_tf TextField The text field for the current value.
TotalValue_tf TextField The text field for the total value.
CapsLabel_tf TextField The text field for the caps label.
QuantityScrollbar_mc Option_Scrollbar The scrollbar control for adjusting the quantity.
QuantityBracketHolder_mc MovieClip The MovieClip that holds the brackets around the menu.

Public Methods


Constructor for the QuantityMenu class. Initializes the object and event listeners for keyboard and mouse events.

OpenMenu(aiQuantity:int, aPrevFocusObj:InteractiveObject, asLabelText:String = "", auiItemValue:* = 0)

Opens the quantity menu with specified parameters.

  • aiQuantity: The initial quantity.
  • aPrevFocusObj: The previous focus object before the menu was opened.
  • asLabelText: The label text to display, defaults to an empty string.
  • auiItemValue: The value of the item.


Closes the quantity menu, restoring focus to the previous object.

Protected Methods


Adjusts bracket positions to fit around the label text.


Refreshes the text fields to display current quantity and total value.


Modifies the current item quantity and refreshes the text display.

  • aiQuantity: The amount by which to change the quantity.

ProcessUserEvent(asEvent:String, bData:Boolean) : Boolean

Processes user events like shoulder button presses to adjust the quantity.

  • asEvent: The event string.
  • bData: Boolean data associated with the event.

Event Handling Methods


Handles key down events for scrolling the quantity.


Handles key up events for stopping quantity scrolling and confirming the selection.


Handles mouse wheel events for modifying the quantity.


Handles mouse up events after scrolling has started.


Handles the event for continuous scrolling when arrow keys are held down.


Handles the event when the scrollbar’s value is changed.


Handles mouse down events on the scrollbar’s arrows.

Example Usage

var quantityMenu:QuantityMenu = new QuantityMenu();
// Open the quantity menu with a quantity of 10, no previous focus object, and an item value of 100.
quantityMenu.OpenMenu(10, null, "Quantity", 100);
// The user interacts with the quantity menu (via keyboard or mouse).
// Event listeners within the class handle these interactions.
// Close the quantity menu when done.


  • The class makes use of several private variables to manage state and input handling.
  • Custom events such as QUANTITY_CHANGED and CONFIRM are dispatched for external handling by other parts of the application.
  • The ProcessUserEvent method suggests integration with a control scheme for a game or similar interface.


The QuantityMenu class provides an interactive and dynamically adjustable menu for changing quantities, useful in various applications where users need to select a number of items or adjust values in a UI environment.