Scaleform Clik Events Inputevent


The InputEvent class is a custom event type used within the package, which is part of the Scaleform CLIK (Common Lightweight Input Keyboard) UI toolkit for Flash. It extends the native Flash Event class and is designed to handle input details in user interface elements.

File Details

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Class Definition

package {
    import scaleform.clik.ui.InputDetails;

    public class InputEvent extends Event {

        public static const INPUT:String = "input";
        public var details:InputDetails;

        public function InputEvent(param1:String, param2:InputDetails) {
            this.details = param2;

        public function get handled() : Boolean {
            return isDefaultPrevented();

        public function set handled(param1:Boolean) : void {
            if(param1) {

        override public function clone() : Event {
            return new InputEvent(type, this.details);

        override public function toString() : String {
            return formatToString("InputEvent", "type", "details");

Properties and Methods

Static Constants

Name Type Description
INPUT String The constant defining input event

Public Variables

Variable Type Description
details InputDetails An object containing input details


Constructor Parameters Description
InputEvent(param1, param2) param1: String, param2: InputDetails Initializes a new InputEvent with the specified type and input details

Public Methods

Method Returns Description
handled() Boolean Getter that tells if the event has been handled
handled(param1) void Setter that marks the event as handled if param1 is true
clone() Event Creates a clone of the InputEvent instance
toString() String Returns a string representation of the InputEvent instance


The InputEvent class is generally used within the Scaleform CLIK framework to dispatch events that represent user input. details property carries information about input such as the key code, the state of the input (press, hold, release), and the controller index.

Event Handling Example

function onInputEvent(e:InputEvent):void {
    // Check if the input has been handled
    if (!e.handled) {
        // Handle the input event
        trace("Input type:", e.details.value);

        // Mark the event as handled
        e.handled = true;

// Add the event listener for the InputEvent.INPUT type
someComponent.addEventListener(InputEvent.INPUT, onInputEvent);

This example demonstrates how to listen to and handle an InputEvent within a component. Upon receiving the event, it checks whether it has already been handled before proceeding to process the input details. After processing, it marks the event as handled to prevent other listeners from handling it again.

Note: The actual usage of this class may vary depending on the UI framework and game engine integration specifics.