Components Itemcard_descriptionentry


This is the markdown documentation for the ActionScript class ItemCard_DescriptionEntry, which is contained in the file The ItemCard_DescriptionEntry class is part of the Components package and extends the ItemCard_Entry class.

ItemCard_DescriptionEntry is designed to handle the display of text within an entry that is part of an item card. This class includes properties for the background movie clip and overrides a method to populate the entry with data.

Class Definition

package Components {
    import flash.display.MovieClip;
    import flash.text.TextFieldAutoSize;
    import scaleform.gfx.TextFieldEx;

    public class ItemCard_DescriptionEntry extends ItemCard_Entry {
        public var Background_mc:MovieClip;

        public function ItemCard_DescriptionEntry() {
            TextFieldEx.setTextAutoSize(Label_tf, TextFieldEx.TEXTAUTOSZ_NONE);
            Label_tf.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
            Label_tf.multiline = true;
            Label_tf.wordWrap = true;

        override public function PopulateEntry(aInfoObj:Object) : * {
            this.Background_mc.height = Label_tf.textHeight + 5;


  • Background_mc: This public variable is a MovieClip that represents the visual background associated with the description entry text field.


The ItemCard_DescriptionEntry constructor initializes the text field properties.

Constructor Details

Method Description
ItemCard_DescriptionEntry Sets up the text field for the description entry with no auto-size, left alignment, multiline, and word wrapping.


  • PopulateEntry: Overrides the PopulateEntry method from the ItemCard_Entry class to adjust the background height based on the text content.

Method Details

Method Description
PopulateEntry(aInfoObj:Object) Sets the height of Background_mc dynamically based on the height of the text in Label_tf. Adds an extra 5 units to the calculated height.


To use the ItemCard_DescriptionEntry class, create an instance of it and then call its methods to populate it with specific data.

var descriptionEntry:ItemCard_DescriptionEntry = new ItemCard_DescriptionEntry();
var infoObj:Object = { /* data to populate */ };

📦 File Details

  • Filename:
  • Location: Inside the Components package

đź“ť Additional Notes

  • The class extends ItemCard_Entry, which likely provides additional functionality and properties related to item card entries.
  • The text field’s auto-size and word wrap features are configured to better display multiline descriptions.
  • The background’s dynamic height adjustment ensures the visual element matches the content size.

Remember to include all the necessary imports when utilizing this class in your ActionScript project.