Shared As3 Companionapp Swipezone


The SwipeZone class belongs to the Shared.AS3.COMPANIONAPP package and is built for handling swipe gestures within a specified area on the display object. It extends the EventDispatcher class to allow the dispatching of events when a swipe is detected.

Class Definition

package Shared.AS3.COMPANIONAPP {
    import flash.display.DisplayObject;
    import flash.geom.Point;
    import flash.geom.Rectangle;

    public class SwipeZone extends EventDispatcher {

Public Constants

Swipe Direction

Constant Type Value Description
SWIPE_NEXT String “SwipeNext” Event dispatched when a next swipe is detected.
SWIPE_PREV String “SwipePrev” Event dispatched when a previous swipe is detected.
HORIZONTAL uint 0 Horizontal swipe direction.
VERTICAL uint 1 Vertical swipe direction.

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
_container DisplayObject The display object that the swipe zone is attached to.
_zone Rectangle The area within the container that listens for swipe gestures.
_mousePressPoint Point Coordinates where the mouse was pressed.
_lastValidMousePoint Point Last known valid mouse coordinates.
_isPressed Boolean Flag indicating whether the mouse is currently pressed.
_direction uint Swipe direction - HORIZONTAL or VERTICAL.
MIN_SWIPE_DISTANCE Number Minimum distance in pixels to be considered a swipe.
MAX_SWIPE_OPPOSITE_DIRECTION_RATIO Number Maximum ratio of movement in the opposite direction to still consider it a valid swipe.


public function SwipeZone(param1:DisplayObject, param2:Rectangle = null, param3:uint = 0) {
  • param1: The display object for the swipe zone.
  • param2: (Optional) The rectangle defining the swipe area within the display object.
  • param3: (Optional) The direction of swipe to listen for. Default is HORIZONTAL.

Public Methods


Description: Activates the swipe zone to start listening for swipe gestures.

public function activate() : void {


Description: Deactivates the swipe zone to stop listening for swipe gestures.

public function deactivate() : void {

Protected Methods


Description: Handles the mouse press event, initializing the press point and setting the _isPressed flag.

protected function mousePressHandler(param1:MouseEvent) : void {


Description: Handles the mouse move event, updating the last valid mouse point.

protected function mouseMoveHandler(param1:MouseEvent) : void {


Description: Handles the mouse release event, determines if a swipe has occurred, and dispatches the appropriate event.

protected function mouseReleaseHandler(param1:MouseEvent) : void {

Swipe Detection

The SwipeZone class determines a swipe based on the distance moved in the preferred direction compared to the minimum swipe distance (MIN_SWIPE_DISTANCE). If a swipe is detected, it dispatches the relevant event (SWIPE_NEXT or SWIPE_PREV) based on the movement direction.

Example Usage

Activating SwipeZone

var mySwipeZone:SwipeZone = new SwipeZone(myDisplayObject);

Listening for a swipe event

mySwipeZone.addEventListener(SwipeZone.SWIPE_NEXT, onSwipeNext);
mySwipeZone.addEventListener(SwipeZone.SWIPE_PREV, onSwipePrev);

function onSwipeNext(event:Event):void {
    // Handle next swipe

function onSwipePrev(event:Event):void {
    // Handle previous swipe

Deactivating SwipeZone



🔔 It’s important to properly activate and deactivate the SwipeZone instance to manage resources and event listeners effectively. Always remove event listeners when not needed to avoid memory leaks.

Bold the relevant text within the documentation as needed to emphasize important aspects of the code such as method names, property names, and event types.