Mobile Scrolllist Eventwithparams


The EventWithParams class, located in the Mobile.ScrollList package, is an extension of the Flash Event class. This class allows users to create events with additional parameters that can be passed along with the event itself.

Class Details

  • Filename:
  • Package: Mobile.ScrollList
  • Extends:


public function EventWithParams(_type:String, _params:Object = null, _bubbles:Boolean = false, _cancelable:Boolean = false)

The constructor initializes a new EventWithParams instance.

Parameter Type Default Description
_type String - The event type.
_params Object null The optional parameters to pass along.
_bubbles Boolean false Indicates if the event bubbles up.
_cancelable Boolean false Indicates if the event can be canceled.


  • params: Object

    An object containing the parameters that are passed along with the event.



override public function clone() : Event

Creates a clone of the EventWithParams instance.

Returns: A new EventWithParams object with the same properties as the original.


override public function toString() : String

Returns a string representation of the EventWithParams instance.

Returns: A string containing the class name and properties of the instance.

Example Usage

Here’s a brief example of how you might use the EventWithParams class:

var event:EventWithParams = new EventWithParams("myCustomEvent", {message: "Hello World"}, true, false);

In this example, an instance of EventWithParams is created with a type of "myCustomEvent" and a parameters object containing a single key-value pair. The event is set to bubble and not to be cancelable. Then, the event is dispatched.

🔍 Note: The EventWithParams class allows for more flexible event handling by attaching additional data to events, thus making it easier to pass extra information to event listeners without modifying the event class itself.